Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 2/2024(15))
44. Minin V. A., Krivorutskiy L. D., Dmitriev G. S., Minin I. V. Otsenka investitsionnoy privlekatel'nosti sooruzheniya vetrovykh parkov na Kol'skom poluostrove [Assessment of the investment attractiveness of the construction of wind parks on the Kola Peninsula]. Biznes i investitsii v oblasti vozobnovlyaemykh istochnikov energii v Rossii [Business and investments in the field of renewable energy sources in Russia]. P. III. Moscow, NITS “Inzhener”, 1999, pp. 325-326. (In Russ.). 45. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S., Ivanova E. A., Loginov R. S., Minin I. V., Nikiforova G. V. Usloviya primeneniya vetroelektricheskikh stantsiy v sostave Kol'skoy energosistemy [Conditions for the use of wind power plants as part of the Kola power system]. Apatity, 2002, 36 p. Deposited by VINITI 10.07.2002, No 1283 - V2002. (In Russ.). 46. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Opytpervogo goda ekspluatatsii setevoy vetroenergeticheskoy ustanovki vblizi Murmanska [The experience of the first year of operation of a network wind turbine near Murmansk], 18 p. Deposited by VINITI 07.07.2003, No 1300 - V 2003. (In Russ.). 47. Minin V., Dmitriev G. First Experience from one Year Operation of Grid Connected Wind Turbine. Proceedings o f BOREAS VI. Wind Power Production in Cold Climate. International Conference . Pyhatunturi, Finland, 9-11 April 2003, pp. 26-30. 48. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Opyt montazha i ekspluatatsii setevoy vetroenergeticheskoy ustanovki okolo g. Murmanska [Experience in installation and operation of a network wind turbine near Murmansk]. Elektricheskie stantsii [Electrical Stations], 2004, No 2, pp. 71-73. (In Russ.). 49. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S., Ivanova E. A. Pervoocherednye ploshchadki dlya vetroparkov na Kol'skom poluostrove [Priority sites for wind farms on the Kola Peninsula]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 2004, 24 p. (In Russ.). 50. Abrosimova A. A. Vetropark v rayone 81 km avtodorogi Murmansk — Teriberka [Wind farm in the area of 81 km of the Murmansk — Teriberka highway]. Nauchno-tekhnicheskie problemy razvitiya energetiki Severa [Scientific and technical problems of energy development in the North]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 2009, pp. 30-34. (In Russ.). 51. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S., Ivanova E. A. Energiya vetra — perspektivnyy vozobnovlyaemyy energoresurs Murmanskoy oblasti [Wind energy is a promising renewable energy resource in the Murmansk region]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 2006, 73 p. (In Russ.). 52. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Vetroenergetika v usloviyakh Zapolyar'ya [Wind energy in the Arctic]. Energiya: ekonomika, tekhnika, ekologiya [Energy: Economy, Technology, Ecology], 2006, No 7, pp. 20-25. (In Russ.). 53. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Perspektivy osvoeniya netraditsionnykh i vozobnovlyaemykh istochnikov energii na Kol'skom poluostrove [Prospects for the development of non-traditional and renewable energy sources on the Kola Peninsula]. Murmansk, 2007, 92 p. (In Russ.). 54. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya energii vetra i malykh GES v udalyonnykh rayonakh Murmanskoy oblasti [Prospects for the use of wind energy and small hydroelectric power plants in remote areas of the Murmansk region]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 2007, 97 p. (In Russ.). 55. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S., Ivanova E. A., Konovalova O. E., Moroshkina T. N. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya energii vetra i stoka r. Vud'yavryok dlya elektrosnabzheniya Polyarno-al'piyskogo botanicheskogo sada- instituta [Prospects for the use of wind energy and the flow of the VudYavryok River for power supply of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 2005, 32 p. (In Russ.). 56. Bezhan A. V. Vetroenergetika Murmanskoy oblasti [Wind power industry of the Murmansk region]. Elektricheskie stantsii [Electrical Stations], 2017, No 7, pp. 51-55. (In Russ.). 57. Minin V. A. Regional'naya programma ispol'zovaniya vozobnovlyaemykh istochnikov energii v Murmanskoy oblasti na period 2010-2015 gody [Regional program for the use of renewable energy sources in the Murmansk region for the period 2010-2015]. Energeticheskayapolitika [Energy Policy], 2009, No 5, pp. 39-45. (In Russ.). 58. Minin V. A. Regional'naya programma ispol'zovaniya vozobnovlyaemykh istochnikov energii v Murmanskoy oblasti [Regional program for the use of renewable energy sources in the Murmansk region]. Sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa “Dni chistoy energii v Peterburge ”, Sankt-Peterburg, 15-16 aprelya 2010 g. [Collection of materials of the International Congress “Days of Clean Energy in St. Petersburg”, Saint Petersburg, 15-16 April 2010]. Saint Petersburg, 2010, pp. 32-35. (In Russ.). Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2024. Т. 15, № 2. С. 5-47. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2024. Vol. 15, No. 2. P. 5-47. © Минин В. А., 2024 46
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