Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 2/2024(15))
27. Peltola E., Wolff J., Minin V., Dmitriev G., Rantanen Y. Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula — Findings from a Field study. Wind Energy Production in Cold Climates. BOREAS III. Proceedings o f an International Meeting. 19-21 March 1996. Saariselka, Finland, pp. 60-72. 28. Minin V., Dmitriev G. Possible Role of Wind-Power in Energy Supply for European North of Russia. Wind Energy Production in Cold Climates. BOREAS III. Proceedings o f an International Meeting. 19-21 March 1996. Saariselka, Finland, pp. 147-160. 29. Peltola E., Wolff J., Minin V., Dmitriev G. A Feasibility Study to Develop Local and Regional Use of Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula, Murmansk Region, Russia: Final Report. Contract J0R3-CT95-0036. Non-Nuclear Energy Programme JOULE III, 1998, 61 p. 30. Peltola E., Wolff J., Minin V., Dmitriev G., Rathmann O. Information Exchange and Competence Building regarding the Use of Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula, in North-Western Russia (KW Support): Final Report. Contract INCOP-DISS-2004-96. Programme INCO-COPERNICUS. 1998, 82 p. 31. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S. Perspektivy razvitiya vetroenergetiki na Kol'skom poluostrove [Prospects for the development of wind energy on the Kola Peninsula]. Apatity, Publ. KSC RAS, 1998, 97 p. (In Russ.). 32. Wolff J., Peltola E., Minin V., Dmitriev G., Islander S. A feasibility study of Wind energy on the Kola Peninsula. European Wind Energy Conference. EWEC-97. 6-9 October 1997. Dublin Castle, Ireland, 1998, pp. 354-358. 33. Rathmann O., Landberg L. Wind atlas for the Kola Peninsula. European Wind Energy Conference. EWEC-97. 6-9 October 1997. Dublin Castle, Ireland, 1998, pp. 359-362. 34. Dmitriev G., Minin V. Some Aspects of Large Scale Wind Energy Integration into Combined (Nuclear — Hydro — Thermal) Power System. Wind Energy fo r Next Millennium. European Wind Energy Conference. Nice, France, 1-5 March 1999, pp. 383-386. 35. Wolff J., Peltola E., Minin V., Dmitriev G., Islander S. Possibilities for Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula. Wind Energy fo r Next Millennium. European Wind Energy Conference . Nice, France, 1-5 March 1999, pp. 512-515. 36. Dmitriev G., Minin V. Large Scale wind energy integration — the possibility of another way energy development. Sixth International Symposium on Cold Region Development, ISCORD-2000. 31 January — 6 February 2000. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 21-24. 37. Minin V., Dmitriev G., Minin I. Economical evaluation of wind power implementation at Kola Peninsula . Proceedings o f BOREAS V, Wind Power Production in Cold Climate, International Conference, Levi, Finland, 29.11.-01.12. 2000, pp. 1-11. 38. Starkov A. N., Landberg L., Bezrukikh P. P., Borisenko M. M. Atlas vetrov Rossii [Atlas of the winds of Russia]. Moscow, “Mozhaysk-Terra”, 2000, 560 p. (In Russ.). 39. Dmitriev G. Possible approaches in defining of wind parks impact on the regime of power system. Abstracts o f the 4th World Wind Energy Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 November 2005, p. 20. 40. Dmitriev G., Minin V., Dmitrieva N. Wind Power development under Polar climate conditions. Abstracts o f the 4th World Wind Energy Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 November 2005, p. 31. 41. Efimov B., Danilin A., Dmitriev G., Nevretdinov Y. The problems of windparks lightning protection for the regions with high specific resistance of soil. Abstracts o f the 4th World Wind Energy Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 November 2005, pp. 41-42. 42. Bezrukikh P. P., Vissarionov V. I., Minin V. A. Kontseptsiya ispol'zovaniya vetrovoy energii v Rossii [The concept of using wind energy in Russia]. Moscow, “Kniga-Penta”, 2005, 128 p. (In Russ.). 43. Minin V. A., Dmitriev G. S., Minin I. V. Perspektivy osvoeniya resursov vetrovoy energii Kol'skogo poluostrova [Prospects for the development of wind energy resources of the Kola Peninsula]. Izvestiya RAN. Energetika [Proceedings of RAS. Energy], 2001, No 1, pp. 45-53. (In Russ.). Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2024. Т. 15, № 2. С. 5-47. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RA s . Series: Engineering Sciences. 2024. Vol. 15, No. 2. P. 5-47. © Минин В. А., 2024 45
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