Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 2/2024(15))

11. Kuklin E. I., Elistratov V. P., Malinovskiy N. S., Minin V. A. Nekotorye rezul'taty issledovaniya energeticheskikh kharakteristik vetra Kol'skogo poluostrova [Some results of the study of the energy characteristics of the wind of the Kola Peninsula]. Voprosy energetiki Kol'skogo poluostrova [Energy Issues of the Kola Peninsula]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1975, pp. 153-164. (In Russ.). 12. Kuklin E. I., Elistratov V. P., Minin V. A. Energosnabzhenie melkikh izolirovannykh potrebiteley Murmanskoy oblasti [Energy supply to small isolated consumers in the Murmansk region]. Razvitie energeticheskogo khozyaystva Murmanskoy oblasti [Development of the energy sector of the Murmansk region]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1976, pp. 49-57. (In Russ.). 13. Kuklin E. I., Minin V. A. Nekotorye rezul'taty eksperimental'nogo issledovaniya raboty vetroelektricheskogo agregata “Berkut” v usloviyakh Severn [Some results of an experimental study of the operation of the wind power unit “Berkut” in the conditions of the North]. Razvitie energosnabzheniya Severa Evropeyskoy chasti SSSR [Development of energy supply to the North of the European part of the USSR]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1978, pp. 130-136. (In Russ.). 14. Kuklin E. I., Minin V. A. O rezhimakh raboty vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok na poberezh'e Kol'skogo poluostrova [About the operating modes of wind turbines on the coast of the Kola Peninsula]. Razvitie energeticheskogo khozyaystva Murmanskoy oblasti [Development of the energy sector of the Murmansk region]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1976, pp. 80-86. (In Russ.). 15. Minin V. A. Osnovnye elementy vetroenergeticheskogo kadastra Severa Evropeyskoy chasti SSSR [The main elements of the wind energy cadastre of the North of the European part of the USSR]. Problemy energetiki Murmanskoy oblasti i sosednikh rayonov [Energy problems of the Murmansk region and neighboring areas]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1980, pp. 135-151. (In Russ.). 16. Minin V. A., Stepanov I. R. Vetroenergeticheskiy kadastr Evropeyskogo Severa SSSR [Wind energy cadastre of the European North of the USSR]. Izvestiya AN SSSR. Energetika i transport [Proceedings of AS USSR. Energy and Transport], 1983, No 1, pp. 106-114. (In Russ.). 17. Minin V. A. Vetroenergeticheskie resursy Evropeyskogo Severa SSSR [Wind energy resources of the European North of the USSR]. Ekonomiya topliva i energii v narodnom khozyaystveMurmanskoy oblasti [Saving fuel and energy in the national economy of the Murmansk region]. Apatity, Publ. KBAS USSR, 1983, pp. 79-88. (In Russ.). 18. Zubarev V. V., Minin V. A., Stepanov I. R. Ispol'zovanie energii vetra v rayonakh Severa [The use of wind energy in the North]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1989, 208 p. (In Russ.). 19. Minin V., Dobrovolski V. Kola test station for wind turbines. An international Experts Meeting on Wind Power in Icing Conditions. Helsinki FMI, 1992, pp. 188-192. 20. Kniazeva V., Marchuk S. Nord region wind power and its impact. An international Experts Meeting on Wind Power in Icing Conditions. Helsinki FMI, 1992, pp. 135-143. 21. Minin V. Windenergiepotential der Halbinsel Kola, Voraussetzungen und mogliche Richtungen dessen Ansnutzung. 2.Deutsche Windenergie-Konferenz 1994, DEWEK-94. Wilhelmshaven, BRD, 1994, pp. 483-486. 22. Bezrukikh P., Minin V., Dmitriev G., Sidorenko G., Lasareva J. The Wind energy development in Russia. Proceedings o f an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994, p p .40-48. 23. Minin V., Dmitriev G. The Kola peninsula Wind energy potential and possible directions of it’s using. Proceedings o f an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994, p p . 115-125. 24. Minin V. Substantiation of Wind energy converter optimal power in combined electrical and heating supply systems. Proceedings o f an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994, pp. 290-300. 25. Minin V. Kola wind test station on the Barents seashore. 14th Annual International Meeting o f Wind Turbine Test station. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1994, pp. 177-185. 26. Dmitriev G., Minin V. The Kola peninsula Wind-Energy potential and possible Directions of it’s using. 14th Annual International Meeting o f Wind Turbine Test station. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1994, p p . 185-192. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2024. Т. 15, № 2. С. 5-47. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2024. Vol. 15, No. 2. P. 5-47. © Минин В. А., 2024 44