Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 2/2024(15))
21. Minin V. Windenergiepotential der Halbinsel Kola, Voraussetzungen und mogliche Richtungen dessen Ansnutzung // 2.Deutsche Windenergie-Konferenz 1994, DEWEK-94. Wilhelmshaven, BRD. 1994. S .483-486. 22. The Wind energy development in Russia / P. Bezrukikh [et al.] // Proceedings of an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994. Р. 40-48. 23. Minin V., Dmitriev G. The Kola peninsula Wind energy potential and possible directions of it’s using // Proceedings of an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994. Р. 115-125. 24. Minin V. Substantiation of Wind energy converter optimal power in combined electrical and heating supply systems // Proceedings of an International Meeting BOREAS II. Pyhatunturi, Finland 21-25.03.1994. Р. 290-300. 25. Minin V. Kola wind test station on the Barents seashore // 14th Annual International Meeting of Wind Turbine Test station. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 1994. P. 177-185. 26. Dmitriev G., Minin V. The Kola peninsula Wind-Energy potential and possible Directions of it’s using // 14th Annual International Meeting of Wind Turbine Test station. Boulder, Colorado, USA. 1994. P . 185-192. 27. Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula — Findings from a Field study / E. Peltola [et al.] // Wind Energy Production in Cold Climates. BOREAS III. Proceedings of an International Meeting. 19-21 March 1996. Saariselka, Finland. P. 60-72. 28. Minin V., Dmitriev G. Possible Role of Wind-Power in Energy Supply for European North of Russia // Wind Energy Production in Cold Climates. BOREAS III. Proceedings of an International Meeting. 19-21 March 1996. Saariselka, Finland. P. 147-160. 29. A Feasibility Study to Develop Local and Regional Use of Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula, Murmansk Region, Russia: Final Report / E. Peltola [et al.]. Contract JOR3-CT95-0036. Non-Nuclear Energy Programme JOULE III. 1998. 61 p. 30. Information Exchange and Competence Building regarding the Use of Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula, in North-Western Russia (KW Support): Final Report / E. Peltola [et al.]. Contract INCOP-DISS-2004-96. Programme INCO-COPERNICUS. 1998. 82 p. 31. Минин В. А., Дмитриев Г. С. Перспективы развития ветроэнергетики на Кольском полуострове. Апатиты: Изд-во КНЦ РАН, 1998. 97 с. 32. A feasibility study of Wind energy on the Kola Peninsula / J. Wolff [et al.] // European Wind Energy Conference. EWEC-97. 6-9 October 1997. Dublin Castle, Ireland. 1998. P. 354-358. 33. Rathmann O., Landberg L. Wind atlas for the Kola Peninsula / European Wind Energy Conference. EWEC-97. 6-9 October 1997. Dublin Castle, Ireland. 1998. P. 359-362. 34. Dmitriev G., Minin V. Some Aspects of Large Scale Wind Energy Integration into Combined (Nuclear — Hydro — Thermal) Power System / Wind Energy for Next Millennium. European Wind Energy Conference. Nice, France, 1-5 March 1999. P. 383-386. 35. Possibilities for Wind Energy on the Kola Peninsula / J. Wolff [et al.] // Wind Energy for Next Millennium. European Wind Energy Conference. Nice, France, 1-5 March 1999. P. 512-515. 36. Dmitriev G., Minin V. Large Scale wind energy integration — the possibility of another way energy development // Sixth International Symposium on Cold Region Development, ISCORD-2000. 31 January — 6 February 2000. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. P. 21-24. 37. Minin V., Dmitriev G., Minin I. Economical evaluation of wind power implementation at Kola Peninsula // Proceedings of BOREAS V, Wind Power Production in Cold Climate, International Conference, Levi, Finland, 29.11.-01.12. 2000. P. 1-11. 38. Атлас ветров России / А. Н. Старков [и др.]. М.: «Можайск-Терра», 2000. 560 с. 39. Dmitriev G. Possible approaches in defining of wind parks impact on the regime of power system // Abstracts of the 4thWorld Wind Energy Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 November 2005. P. 20. 40. Dmitriev G., Minin V., Dmitrieva N. Wind Power development under Polar climate conditions // Abstracts of the 4thWorld Wind Energy Conference and Renewable Energy Exhibition. Melbourne, Australia, 2-4 November 2005. P. 31. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2024. Т. 15, № 2. С. 5-47. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RA s . Series: Engineering Sciences. 2024. Vol. 15, No. 2. P. 5-47. © Минин В. А., 2024 41
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