Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.4/2023(2))

29. Bartol'd V. V. Vospominanie o S. M. Dudine [Remembrance o f S. M. Dudin]. Sbornik MAE. [Collection o f MAE]. Leningrad, Akad. nauk SSSR, 1930, vol. 9, pp. 348 -353. (In Russ.). 30. Morozova A. S. Turkmeniya v fotokollekciyah S. M. Dudina. Ocherki po istorii hozyajstva i kul'tury Turkmen. Materialy k istoriko-etnograficheskomu atlasu Srednej Azii i Kazahstana. [Turkmenistan in the photo collections o f S. M. Dudin. Essays on the history o f economy and culture o f Turkmens. Materials for the historical and ethnographic atlas o f Central Asia and Kazakhstan]. Ashkhabad, Ylym, 1973, pp. 140-161. (In Russ.). 31. Vishneveckaya V. A. Iz zhizni i deyatel'nosti S. M. Dudina — hudozhnika, sobiratelya, issledovatelya [From the life and work of S. M. Dudin — artist, collector, researcher]. Iz istorii formirovaniya etnograficheskih kollekcij v muzeyah Rossii (XIX-XX c.) [From the history of the formation of ethnographic collections in Russian museums (XIX-XX centuries)]. Saint Petersburg, 1992, pp. 84-106. (In Russ.). 32. Rezvan E. A. Samuil Dudin — fotograf, hudozhnik, etnograf: mat. ekspedicii v Kazahstan 1899 g. i 2010 g. Katalog fo tovy'stavki «Dialog civilizacij» (Rodos, Greciya, 7-11 oktyabrya 2010 g.) [Samuil Dudin - - photographer, artist, ethnographer: (materials o f the expedition to Kazakhstan in 1899 and 2010): Catalogue o f the photo exhibition "Dialogue o f Civilizations” (Rhodes, Greece, October 7-11, 2010)]. Saint Petersburg, 2010, 60 p. 33. Soboleva E. S. Osnovnye napravleniya raboty MAE s fotomaterialami v konce XIX — nachale XIX veka [The main directions o f MAE's work with photographic materials in the late XIX — early XX century]. Illyustrativnye kollekcii Kunstkamery [Illustrative collections o f the Kunstkamera]. Saint Petersburg, MAE RAN, 2014, vol. 59, pp. 257 -286 . (In Russ.). 34. Nosov Ya. N. Podvig uchenogo. K 110-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Andreya Vladimirovicha ZHuravskogo. 1882-1992 [Feat of the scientist. To the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrey Vladimirovich Zhuravsky. 1882-1992]. Ust'-Cil'ma, Muzej Ust'-Cilemskoj srednej shkoly, 1992, 58 p. (In Russ.). 35. Baranova O. G. Kollekcii po tradicionnoj kul'ture naseleniya Pechorskogo kraya v sobranii otdela etnografii russkogo naroda Rossijskogo etnograficheskogo muzeya [Collections on the traditional culture o f the population o f the Pechora region in the collection o f the Department o f Ethnography o f the Russian People o f the Russian Ethnographic Museum]. M a teria ly ' konferencii “Narodnaya kul'tura Pizhmy" (s. Ust'-Cil'ma, 2013 g.) [Proceedings of the conference "Folk culture o f Tansy"]. Ust-Tsilma, LLC "Poligraf-plus", 2013, pp. 3-18 . (In Russ.). 36. Teryukov A. I. Kollekcii A. V. Zhuravskogo v Muzee antropologii i etnografii im. Petra Velikogo (Sud'ba sobiratelya) [Collections ofA. V. Zhuravsky in the Museum ofAnthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (The Fate of a Gatherer)]. Kunstkamera: E'tnografcheskie tetradi [Kunstkamera: Ethnographic notebooks.]. Saint Petersburg, 1993, issue 2-3, pp. 254-265. (In Russ.). 37. Stepanov S. V. Peterburgskij pedagog, kraeved N. F. Arep'ev i ego «Putevoditeli po okrestnostyam Peterburga» [Petersburg teacher, local historian N. F. Arepyev and his "Guides to the environs o f St. Petersburg"]. Fontanka: kul'turno-istoricheskij al'manah [Fontanka: Cultural and historical almanac]. St. Petersburg, Tip. «Politekhnika-print», 2018, no. 23, pp. 62-73. 38. Mihajlova A. A. Etnografo-antropologicheskie ekspedicii A. Z. Nosova v Korolevstvo Serbiyu (1911-1912): rezul'taty i znachenie [Ethnographic and anthropological expeditions of A. Z. Nosov to the Kingdom o f Serbia (1911 -1912): results and significance]. Tri veka rossijskoj etnografii: stranicy istorii. [Three Centuries o f Russian Ethnography: Pages o f history]. Moscow, IEA RAN, 2017, pp. 161-174. (In Russ.). 39. Tihonov I. L. Issledovatel' Pribaltiki: etnograf, lingvist, arheolog E. A. Vol'ter [Explorer of the Baltic States: ethnographer, linguist, archaeologist E. A. Voltaire]. Arxeologiya, istoriya, numizmatika, e'tnografiya Vostochnoj Evropy': sb. statej pamyati I. V. Dubova. [Archeology, History, numismatics, Ethnography o f Eastern Europe: Collection of articles in memory o f I. V. Dubov]. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House o f St. Petersburg State University, 2004, pp. 160-163. (In Russ.). 40. E '. A. Vo l'ter i baltistika kak kompleksnaya disciplina [E.A. Voltaire and baltics as a complex discipline]. Tezisy doklada mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii v SPbGU (Filologicheskij faku l'te t) [Tez. doc. International scientific conference at St. Petersburg State University (Philological Faculty)]. Saint Petersburg, SPbSU, 2006, 36 p. (In Russ.). Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2023. Т. 2, № 4. С. 5-32. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2023. Vol. 2, No. 4. P. 5-32. © Фишман О. М., 2023 31