Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.4/2023(2))

14. Repina L. P. Istoriya cherez lichnost': istoricheskaya biografiya segodnya [History through personality: historical biography today]. Moscow, Kvadriga, 2010, vol. 2, 432 p. (In Russ.). 15. Fishman O. M. Elektronnyj biobibliograficheskij slovar' «Sobirateli Rossijskogo etnograficheskogo muzeya» [Electronic bio-bibliographic dictionary "Collectors of the Russian Ethnographic Museum”]. Muzej. Tradiciya. Etnichnost' [Museum. Tradition. Ethnicity], 2014, no. 2(6), pp. 53-71. (In Russ.). 16. Ivanovskaya N. I. Obraz epohi, obraz naroda (opyt biograficheskogo izucheniya sobiratelej Rossijskogo etnograficheskogo muzeya). Istoriko-kul'turnyj landshaft Severo-Zapada. Hetvertye Shegrenovskie chteniya [The image o f the epoch, the image o f the people (the experience o f biographical study o f collectors o f the Russian Ethnographic Museum). Historical and cultural landscape. Fourth Shengren Readings]. St. Petersburg, Evropejskij Dom, 2011, pp. 286 -302 . (In Russ.). 17. Ivanovskaya N. I. Nekotorye rezul'taty issledovaniya po proektu «etnografiya cherez lichnost'» [Some results o f research on the project "Ethnography through personality"]. Severo-Zapad: Etnokonfessional'naya istoriya i istoriko-kul'turnyj landshaft-2. Vos'mye SHyogrenovskie chteniya. [North-West: Ethnoconfessional history and historical and cultural landscape -2. The eighth Shegren readings]. St. Petersburg, Evropejskij Dom, 2019, pp. 336 -344 . (In Russ.). 18. Zadneprovskaya A. Yu. Etnograficheskaya kollekciya grafa N.V. Adlerberga [Ethnographic collection o f Count N. V. Adlerberg]. Rossiya i Finlyandiya v X IX -X X vv.: Istoriko-kul'turnyj kontekst i lichnost' [Russia and Finland in the X IX -XX centuries: Historical and cultural context and personality]. St. Petersburg, Evropejskij Dom, 1998, pp. 68 -72 . (In Russ.). 19. Pigmalion muzejnogo dela v Rossii (K 150-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya D. A. Klemenca) [Pygmalion o f museum business in Russia (To the 150th anniversary of the birth o f D. A. Klements)]. St. Petersburg, Lan', 1998, 208 pp. (In Russ.). 20. Panchenko A. B. Ot narodnichestva k narodovedenii: stanovlenie Klemenca kak etnografa [From populism to ethnology: the formation o f Klementz as an ethnographer]. Tri veka rossijskoj etnografii: stranicy istorii [Three Centuries o f Russian Ethnography: Pages o f History]. Moscow, Nauka Vost. Lit., 2018, pp. 60-79. (In Russ.). 21. Alekshin V. A. A. A. Miller i ego vklad v razvitie otechestvennoj arheologii [Miller and his contribution to the development o f Russian archeology] Muzej. Tradiciya. Etnichnost'. [Museum. Tradition. Ethnicity], 2015, no. 2(8), pp. 6 -19 . (In Russ.). 22. Dmitriev V. A. A. A. Miller i Etnograficheskij otdel Russkogo muzeya [Miller and the Ethnographic Department o f the Russian Museum] Muzej, tradicii, etnichnost'. [Museum. Tradition. Ethnicity], 2015, no. 2(8), pp. 20-40. (In Russ.). 23. Tihonov I. L. Arheologiya v Sankt-Peterburgskom universitete: Istoriograficheskie ocherki [Archeology at St. Petersburg University: Historiographical essays]. St. Petersburg, Publishing Center "Academy", 2003, pp. 115-130. (In Russ.). 24. Shapiro A. V. P. P. Efimenko v istorii otechestvennogo paleolitovedeniya: istoricheskij diapazon mnenij [Efimenko in the history of Russian paleolithic studies: a historical range of opinions]. Nauchnye issledovaniya: ot teorii kpraktike. [Scientific research: from theory to practice]. Cheboksary, 2016, pp. 51-58. (In Russ.). 25. Molotova L. N. E. A. Lyackij i ego deyatel'nost' v etnograficheskom otdele Russkogo muzeya [Lyatsky and his activities in the ethnographic department of the Russian Museum] Iz istorii formirovaniya etnograficheskih kollekcij v muzeyah Rossii (XIX-XX c.). [From the history of the formation of ethnographic collections in museums of Russia (XIX-XX centuries)]. St. Petersburg, 1992, pp. 14-25. (In Russ.). 26. Mihal'chenko S. I. Evgenij Lyackij. Materialy k biografii [Evgeny Lyatsky. Materials for the biography]. Bryansk, BSPU, 2000, 176 p. (In Russ.). 27. Bunak V. V. Gleb Anatol'evich Bonch-Osmolovskij (1890-1943). Biograficheskie svedeniya i kratkij ocherk nauchnoj deyatel'nosti [Gleb Anatolyevich Bonch-Osmolovsky (1890-1943). Biographical information and a brief outline of scientific activity]. Moscow, Leningrad, 1954, issue 3, 398 p. (In Russ.). 28. Platonova N. I. K biografii G. A. Bonch-Osmolovskogo: istochniki i kommentarii. [To the biography o f G. A. Bonch-Osmolovsky: sources and comments]. Uch. zap. Krymskogo universiteta im. V. I. Vernadskogo. Ser. «Istoricheskie nauchki». [Uch. Zap. V. I.Vernadsky Crimean University. Ser. "Historical sciences"], 2016, vol. 2(68), no. 3. pp. 95-123 . (In Russ.). Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2023. Т. 2, № 4. С. 5-32. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2023. Vol. 2, No. 4. P. 5-32. © Фишман О. М., 2023 30