Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.3/2023(2))

EARTH SC IENCE S AND ECOLOGY CONTENTS Bondarev O. V. Species composition of fish of Belokamennaya Bay (Kola Inlet) marked in May and August-October 2022 ......................................................................... 5 Bulavina A. S. The effect of fluctuations of the Ob and Yenisei rivers runoff on the area of the Kara Sea ice c o v e r........................................................................................ 10 Valuiskaia D. A., Results of measurement of heavy metals in the waters of the Barents Ivanova N. S. and Greenland s e a s ................................................................................................ 19 Gurba A. N. The results of ornithological observations during coastial expedition of the MMBI RAS in 2021-2022 ............................................................................ 26 Kudryavtseva O. Yu. Characteristics of coastal fish in the bays of Eastern Murman during summer 2020 ............................................................................................................ 34 Maksimovskaya T. M. Hydrological studies of Zelenetskaya Bay in the summer of 2021 ................... 45 Mityaev M. V., Solid atmospheric precipitation in Murmansk and its environs......................... 51 Gerasimova M. V., Druzhkova E. I., Ishkulova T. G., Menshakova M. Yu. Moskvin K. K. On the role of polychaetes of the genus Pholoe in benthic communities of the Kola In le t......................................................................................................... 68 Noskovich A. E. Population characteristics of the bivalve mollusk Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791) in fjords with different hydrological regime (Svalbard)............................ 75 Pastukhov I. A., Assessment of the coposition of water masses in the easter part of the Namyatov A. A. Barents Sea using modern data of 618O and 62H parameters.......................... 83 Rumyantseva Z. Yu., Distribution of shell-bearing gastropods with long and short pelagic stages in Nekhaev I. O. the areas of the Barents S e a .................................................................................. 91 Usyagina I. S., Preliminary results of the study of sedimentation in the Central Depression Mescheriakov N. I., of the Barents S e a .................................................................................................... 95 Ivanova N. S. Chaus S. A. Some data about growth and age of Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis (Reinhardt, 1830) in the Kara S e a ......................................................... 103 4