Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.2/2023(2))

PHYSICAL SCIENCES CONTENTS Balabin Yu. V., Germanenko A. V., Muon telescopes of the polar stations Apatity and Barentsburg Maurchev E. A., Mikhalko E. A., for observations of small variations of cosmic rays.................... 5 Gvozdevsky B. B. Maurchev E. A., Germanenko A. V., The real time estimation of the equivalent radiation dose Balabin Yu. V., Gvozdevsky B. B. with the GOES satellite proton data................................................ 13 Kozelov B. V. Prediction of solar activity time series using LSTM artificial neural network..................................................................................... 19 Akhmetov O. I., Belakhovsky V. B., The effect of relativistic electrons precipitating on the RSDN-20 Mingalev O. V., Mingalev I. V., system signal characteristics during the event on March 28, 2017.... 25 Larchenko A. V., Suvorova Z. V. Belakhovsky V. B., Jin Y., The contribution of the ionospheric disturbances registered Miloch W. by EISCAT radar to GPS signal scintillations................................. 38 Cherniakov S. M. Geomagnetic effects of siberian meteor explosions.................... 47 Dashkevich Zh. V., Ivanov V. E. Method of calculation of synthetic emission spectra of triplet states of molecular nitrogen in apolars........................................... 58 Kirillov A. S., Belakhovsky V. B. The influence of vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen on infrared emissions of O 3 and N 2 O gases at altitudes of the middle atmosphere......................................................................................... 70 Antonenko O. V., Kirillov A. S. Comparison of model calculations of emission intensities of different band systems of molecular oxygen with experimental data obtained from the discovery space Shuttle.......................... 77 Orlov K. G., Mingalev I. V., Parallel calculations in models of the general atmosphere Fedotova E. A., Mingalev V. S. circulation............................................................................................. 86 Balabin Yu. V., Germanenko A. V., Spectral characteristics of x-ray and gamma radiation Maurchev E. A., Mikhalko E. A., in long-term growth events............................................................... 94 Gvozdevsky B. B. Shipilov E. V. On the characteristics of the early cretaceous platobasalt magmatism of Svalbard (Nordenskiold Land)............................... 104 4