Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.1/2023(2))

HISTORICAL SCIENCES CONTENTS ETHNOLOGY, ETHNOGRAPHY, ANTHROPOLOGY Razumova I. A. In memory of two prominent philologists and anthropologists.................................... 5 Bodrova O. A. "Sami fairy tales" (1980 edition): about the structure of the collection, genre and plot features of the Sami folktales, folklore collectors and about two famous researchers..................................................................................................................... 19 Busyreva E.V. The history of one German family (based on the materials of the family archive) .... 29 Yamaeva E. E. About one household item of the Altaians.................................................................... 44 Davydova A. S. Imagining Hyperborea: the perceptions of residents of the Murmansk region on tourism development in Kovdor..................................................................................... 55 HISTORY Shabalina O. V. "He is the son of a prince, and he has no place in the family of Soviet artists": the life journey of the artist-illustrator V. M. Golitsyn in the context of the events of the first half of the 20th century........................................................................................... 67 Kozhevnikova Yu. N. On the question of the material wealth of a rural priest in the Kola North at the beginning of the 19th century: the inventory of Andrey Andrianov's property........... 81 Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Democratization" of army and naval life: Russian servicemen in Finland during the socio-political transformations of the revolution 1917................................................. 86 Petin D. P. The establishment and formation of the system of soviet justice authority and institutions in the Kola North in archival documents of the State archive of the Murmansk region............................................................................................................ 101 Pustivoit I. S., “The line of Uvarov” vs “the line of Magnitsky”: ideological struggle in the Ministry Zhukovskaya T. N. of Public Education in 1817-1821 and the first resignation of S. S. Uvarov............. 111 Ashikhmin A. V. S. S Uvarov and educational policy in the South-Western provinces in the 1830­ 1840s............................................................................................................................... 126 Zharova E. Yu. Biological stations in the Russian empire: organization and financing ...................... 141 Barinov D. A. Resistance of the "right" professorship: the election of the dean of the faculty of physics and mathematics of Leningrad State University in 1926 ............................... 150 ARCHEOLOGY Dzenisov G. A. Studies of the Murmansk archaeological expedition near lake Lovozero in 2019-2022.... 157 Kolpakov E. M, Kola North archaeology: an overview for 2022 ........................................................... 164 Kiseleva A. M., Murashkin A. I., Shumkin V. Y. Suominen E., Hunting pits in northern Finland (region of Kainuu)..................................................... 184 Shakhnovitch M. M. 4