Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 7/2023(14))

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTENTS Teslya N. N., Shutiuk V. D., Method for named entities linking with concepts of the Wikidata Zharkov V. M., Vityazev A. P., knowledge base........................................................................................... 5 Sipovsky G. V. Zuenko A. A., Zuenko O. N. Involment of additional constraints of subject domain in machine learning problems......................................................................................... 16 Kulik B. A. Logical analysis of data and knowledge without using an axiomatic approach.............................................................................. 26 Shishaev M. G., Dikovitsky V. V. Ranking assessment of the popularity of publications for online social media monitoring.............................................................................. 35 Zuenko A. A., Fridman O. V. Reasoning with temporal constraints....................................................... 43 Neupokoeva E. O., Bystrov V. V. Analysis of OLAP solutions for studying resilienсe of regional socio-economic systems........................................................................... 52 Yakovlev S. Yu., Shemyakin A. S. Features of uncertainty and risk assessment in safety management of the Northern sea route critical infrastructures................... 68 Smirnov A. A., Teslya N. N. Ontology-oriented geoanalytics for determining concentration of road accidents on areas of the road network...................................... 79 Ronzhin A. L., Khalilov E. N., Simulation of methods of control the dynamics of cyanobacterial Lazukin A. A., Savelyev A. I., blooming using air and surface robotics................................................... 86 Ma Z., Wang M. Shestakov A. V., Zuenko A. A Two methods of local search in open-pit mining planning........................... 92 Oleynik A. G., Birukov V. V., Initial stage of a mathematical model development for real-time Nikitin R. N. control of magnetic-gravitational separation........................................... 102 Zaika Y. V., Rodchenkova N. I. Numerical modeling of hydrogen permeability with concentration- dependent diffusion coefficient.................................................................. 112 Zaika Y. V., Kostikova E. K. Numerical modeling of the spectrum of hydrogen thermal desorption.................................................................................................... 123 4