Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 6/2023(14))

13. Skhema i programma perspektivnogo razvitiya elektroenergetiki Respubliki Kareliya na period do 2025 goda [Scheme and program for the perspective development o f the electric power industry of the Republic o f Karelia for the period up to 2025]. (In Russ.). Available at: https://gov.karelia.ru/legal_acts/161619/ (accessed 05.10.2022). 14. Skhema i programma razvitiya elektroenergetiki Respubliki Komi na 2022-2026 gody [Scheme and program for the development of the electric power industry o f the Komi Republic for 2022-2026]. (In Russ.). Available at: https://arch.rkomi.ru/uploads/documents/noviy_sipr_utverzhdenniy_2022-07- 05_18-17-53.docx (accessed 05.12.2022). 15. Skhema i programma razvitiya elektroenergetiki Vologodskoy oblasti na 2023-2027 gody [Scheme and program for the development o f the electric power industry ofthe Vologda Region for 2023-2027]. (In Russ.). Available at: http://files.ipbd.ru/files/3500202204290006.pdf (accessed 27.12.2022). 16. Konovalova O. E. Energeticheskoe ispol'zovanie vozobnovlyaemykh rechnykh resursov Severnogo ekonomicheskogo rayona RF [Energy use of renewable river resources of the Northern economic region o f the Russian Federation]. Trudy Kol'skogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN [Transactions of the Kola Scientific Centre o f the RAS], 2019, Vol. 10, No. 5-18, pp. 57-69. (In Russ.). doi:10.25702/KSC.2307- 5252.2019.5.57-69. EDN: NVFDNG. 17. Kuznetsov N. M. Drevesnye otkhody — dopolnitel'nyy istochnik energii na Severo-Zapade Rossii [Wood waste is an additional source o f energy in the North-West of Russia]. Gornyy zhurnal [Mining Journal], 2004, No. S, pp. 119-120. (In Russ.). EDN: WFNRTD. 18. Kuznetsov N. M., Konovalova O. E. Razvitie raspredelyonnoy energetiki v Murmanskoy oblasti [Development o f distributed energy in the Murmansk region]. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya [Fundamental Research], 2021, No. 5, pp. 122-127. (In Russ.). doi:10.17513/fr.43049. EDN: YCTFPG. 19. Ob"ekty generatsii v izolirovannykh i trudnodostupnykh territoriyakh v Rossii [Generation facilities in isolated and hard-to-reach areas in Russia]. (In Russ.). Available at: https://ac.gov.ru/uploads/2- Publications/analitika/генерации_в_ИТТ.pdf (accessed 28.09.2022). 20. Tarify na elektricheskuyu energiyu dlya naseleniya v regionakh Rossii v 2022 godu [Electricity rates for the public in the regions of Russia in 2022]. (In Russ.). Available at: https://p4energy.ru/2022/10/ ee2022/ (accessed 27.04.2023). 21. Strategiya razvitiya Arkticheskoy zony Rossiyskoy Federatsii i obespecheniya natsional'noy bezopasnosti na period do 2035 goda [Strategy for the development o f the Arctic Zone o f the Russian Federation and ensuring national security for the period up to 2035]. (In Russ.). Available at: http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202010260033 (accessed 28.09.2022). Информация об авторах Н. М. Кузнецов — кандидат технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник; О. Е. Коновалова — инженер I категории. Information about the authors N. M. Kuznetsov — PhD (Engineering), Leading Researcher; O. E. Konovalova — Engineer of the first category. Статья поступила в редакцию 10.05.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 15.05.2023; принята к публикации 29.05.2023. The article was submitted 10.05.2023; approved after reviewing 15.05.2023; accepted for publication 29.05.2023. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 6. С. 5-12. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 6. P. 5-12. © Кузнецов Н. М., Коновалова О. Е., 2023 12