Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып. 5/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY CONTENTS Baeva A. P., Mitrofanova G. V. The influence of the mineral composition of apatite-nepheline ores on the ionic composition of the flotation pulp and technological parameters of apatite flotation..................................................................... 5 Bobreva L. A., Titov R. A. Peculiarities of formation of complex defects in LiNbO3 crystals of different composition and genesis........................................................ 12 Varnavskaya A. O., Sokolov A. Yu., Influence of the extractant composition on the zinc extraction from Kasikov A. G. concentrated nickel chloride solutions of JSC “Kola MMC”.................... 18 Vinogradov V. Yu., Kalinkin A. M. Influence of mixture composition and temperature on the synthesis of solid solutions in the SiO 2 -ZrO 2 -CeO 2 system using mechanical activation........................................................................................................ 24 Gryaznov A. N., Slesarev D. S., Currentless production of chromium carbides on carbon fibers Dolmatov V. S. in NaCl-KCl-CrCl3-Cr melt........................................................................... 29 Kagarmanova G. D., Artemiev A. V. Evaluation of the effect of flotation pulp ions on the surface properties of apatite and calcite................................................................ 33 Kesarev K. A., Korneikov R. I., Synthesis of lithium cobalt oxide of stoichiometric composition Efremov V. V. by the combined sol-gel method with solid state finishing without using long high-temperature treatment.................................................... 38 Kuznetsova O. G., Levin A. M., Electrochemical processing of rhenium-containing tungsten Sevostyanov M. A., Leontiev V. G., alloys waste in ammonia-carbonate solutions........................................ 45 Levchuk O. M. Kuzmenkov O. A., Kalinkin A. M. Solid-phase synthesis of nanocrystalline yttrium hafnate using mechanical activation................................................................................... 50 Nikitin K. A., Osadchaya T. Yu., Effect of ammonium nitrate addition on the specific surface Afineevskiy A. V. area of mechanochemically synthesized nickel catalysts..................... 56 Pleshakov N. A., Belikov M. L., Water purification from phosphate ions using different reagents........... 60 Safaryan S. A. Potseleev V. V., Trofimchuk E. S., Synthesis of gold complex compounds for cancer diagnostics Uspenskii S. A. and obtaining nanocomposite materials based on polylactide.............. 67 Sokolov A. Yu., Dobrynin A. V., Study of the behavior of polymeric materials in some extractants Kasikov A. G. and diluents.................................................................................................... 73 Tarasenko N. M., Tyukin A. P., Industrial development of the extraction scheme and equipment Kasikov A. G. in the new cobalt production of the Kola MMC........................................ 78 Tsyryatieva A. V., Tyukavkina V. V. Determination of the self-cleaning ability of modified TiO 2 -SiO 2 nanocomposites concrete........................................................................... 84 Shchukina E. S., Shamova I. K. Obtaining modified alkaline titanosilicate by hydrothermal synthesis......................................................................................................... 90 Shchukina E. S., Gerasimova L. G., Perspective raw material for the production of titanium and tinan- Nikolaev A. I., Maslova M. V., containing products...................................................................................... 96 Artemenkov A. G. Shibeka L. A., Mytsko D. V. Production of cellulose-containing sorption materials for wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions............................................................... 102 Shirokaya A. A., Drogobuzhskay S. V., Studying of sorption extraction by fibers FIBAN AK -22......................... 108 Novikov A. I. 4