Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.4/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Kalinkina E.V., Kruglyak E. A.., Geopolymer materials based on mechanically activated Ivanova A. G., Kalinkin A. M. compositions of low calcium fly ash and nepheline...................... 175 Manakova N. K., Suvorova O. V. Inorganic thermopenosilicate vitreous materials based on mineral technogenic raw materials of the Kola Peninsula............ 181 Martirosyan A. V., Gurgenyan N. V., Development of techno logy for producing composite Grigoryan A. E., Kosstandyan M. Ph., heat- insulating foam material b a s e d on w a ste Vardanyan N. K., Tatosyan G. V. of aluminosilicate rocks using mw - heating................................... 188 Miroshnichenko I. K., Semenova P. V., Biochemical p rocesses in the tissues of hydrobionts Pribytkova E. V., Terentyev K. Yu. a s markers of oxidative stre ss during biomonitoring of anthropogenic impact on aquatic ecosystems................................. 195 Таskin А. V., Cherkasova T. G. Building materials and mineral binding substances based Fediuk R. S., Petukhov V. I., on hydrated waste from coal-burning power plants and waste Fedotov D. R., Kulakov N. D., of coal preparation................................................................................. 201 Маtveev Е. А., Panarin I. I. Tyukavkina V. V., Tsyryatyeva A. V. Fine-grained photocatalytic concretes based on titanosilicate w a ste.......................................................................................................... 207 Fomenko E. V., Akimochkina G. V, Aerodynamic separation of PM 10 dispersed microspheres Gareeva A. S., Anshits A. G. from fly ash of lignite combustion and production of new ceramic materials................................................................................... 213 Shaydullin S. М., Kozlov P. V., S tudy of corrosion re sistan c e of refractory m aterials Remizov M. B. in borosilicate g la ss m e lts................................................................ 220 Yakovlev K. A., Mayorov D. V. Mullite-silica refractories based on the products of the nepheline processing syn thesis.............................................. 226 8