Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.4/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Smirnov M. V., Sidorov N. V., The features of luminescent defect centers in niobium Palatnikov M. N., Pikulev V. B. contained monocrystalline and ceramic materials, obtained by different technologies....................................................................... 88 Starodub O. R.,Sidorov N. V., Computer simulation of the state of the defect structure Palatnikov M. N. of a lithium niobate crystal................................................................... 95 Steblevskaya N. I., Belobeletskaya M. V. Dependence of phosphor composition and luminescence characteristics on pyrolysis temperature of precursors............... 100 Titov R. A., Kadetova A.V., The boron cation concentration influence in lithium niobate Tokko O. V., Sidorov N. V., crystals on the type and concentration of point structural Palatnikov M. N. defects in the cationic sublattice........................................................ 106 Tyurnina N.G., Lopatin S. I., Syn the sis and investigation of physicochem ical Tyurnina Z. G. , Shugurov S. M., and thermodynam ic properties in the Na2O-BaO-B2O3 Polyakova I. G., Sviridov S. I. s y s tem ..................................................................................................... 113 Ulyanova A. V., Senina M. O. Study of the effect of sintering additive concentration on temperature and phase formation process in aluminum- magnesium spinel.................................................................................. 119 Fedorov P. P. Low-temperature phase equilibria in binary system s and preparation of functional materials............................................ 125 Sharlaev A. S., Berezina O. Ya., Battery cathode based on vanadium pentoxide............................ 129 Larionov D. N., Praslov N. A. Yakovlev K. A., Mayorov D. V. Synthesis and characteristics of alumina and yttrium furnace cha rge...................................................................................................... 134 Barantseva S. E., Klimosh Yu. A., Scientific and technological aspects of the rational use Popov R. Yu., Azarenko I. M., of ignegal and sedimentary rocks to obtain silicate materials........... 139 Kurilovich M. A. Bastrygina S. V. The effect of additives of thermally activated clays on the strength and structure formation of cement s to n e ........................ 145 Belogurova O. A., Savarina M. A., Magnesium phosphate materials from Kovdor mining Sharai T. V. and processing plant w a ste ................................................................. 151 Belogurova T. P., Mikhanoshina I. A. Study of nanodispersed silicon dioxide powders obtained from by-products of ore processing a s additives to concrete............... 157 Bogatyreva E. V., Genkin M. V., Low -temperature conversion of dihydrate gypsum into Evtushenko A. V., Komkov A. A. sem i-hyd rate gypsum in water.......................................................... 163 Kalinkin A. M., Kalinkina E. V., Application of mechanoactivation for obtaining geopolymer Kruglyak E. A., Ivanova A. G. materials based on coal combustion fly ash w astes with additives of carbonate m inerals.......................................................... 168 7