Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.4/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY CONTENTS Kunshina G. B., Bocharova I.V., Promising inorganic solid electrolytes with lithium-ion Papynov E. K. conductivity............................................................................................. 9 Lozanov V. V., Baklanova N. I. The effect of calcium hexaboride on the phase formation in the hafnium diboride — iridium and tantalum diboride — iridium sy stem s...................................................................................... 15 Mayorov D. V., Velyaev Yu. O. Influence of technological parameters of hydrochloric acid decomposition of nepheline on filterability of silica residues............. 21 Mayorov D. V., Kopkova E. K. Effect of rehydration conditions on the structural and surface properties of reduced layered double hydroxides of magnesium and aluminum............................................................ 26 Markova N. P., Berezina O. Ya. Synthesis and photoelectric properties of indium-zinc oxide nanofibers............................................................................................... 32 Masloboeva S. M., Arutyunyan L. G., Technological ap p ro ach e s to obtaining magnesium Palatnikov M. N. and yttrium-doped lithium niobate charge for growing LiNbO3:Mg:Y single c ry s ta ls .......................................................... 38 Medkov M. A., Grishchenko D. N. Obtaining functional ceramic glass materials by the method of pyrolysis of organic solutions........................................................ 44 Petrov A. M., Tikhomirova E. L., Extraction of Ag(I) and Sb(III) ions from aqueous media with Korneikov R. I., Aksenova S. V., phosphate-titanium so rben ts.............................................................. 51 Ivanenko V. I. Polyakova I. G., Lushnikova E. O., Crystallization of g lasses in №2O-2B2O3 — BaO2B2O3 section Tyurnina Z. G., Tyurnina N. G. of the sodium-barium-borate system ................................................ 56 Protasov A.S., Senina M. O., Influence of methods and conditions of co-precipitation Lemeshev D. O. on the morphology and structure of yttrium-aluminium garnet powders for high-density ceram ics................................................... 62 Ryumin M. A. Thermodynamic investigation of complex samarium oxides with the pyrochlore structure.............................................................. 68 Safaryan S. A., Belikov M. L. Improving the photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide-based materials by calcination............................................ 72 Senina M.O., Martyukhova D. A., Zirconium dioxide-based high-temperature ceramic fibers Popova N. A. for thermal protection of flying machines......................................... 77 Sidorov N. V., Pyatyshev A. Yu., Investigation of the structural perfection of lithium niobate Sverbil P. P., Skrabatun A. V., and tantalate single crystals and ceramics of different Palatnikov M. N. composition and technologies on the first and second orders Raman scattering sp ec tra .................................................................... 83 6