Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.4/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 4. С. 213-219. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of r A s . Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 4. P. 213-219. 5. Wang S., Zhang C., Chen J. Utilization of coal fly ash for the production of glass-ceramics with unique performances: A brief review. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2014. V. 30, No. 12. P. 1208-1212. 6. BalapourM., Thway T., Rao R., Moser N., Garboczi E. J., HsuanY. G., FarnamY. A thermodynamics-guided framework to design lightweight aggregate fromwaste coal combustion fly ash. Resources, Conservation& Recycling. 2022. V. 178. P. 106050. 7. Erol M., Kucukbayrak S., Ersoy-Mericboyu A. Comparison of the properties of glass, glass-ceramic and ceramic materials produced from coal fly ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008. V. 153, No. 1. P. 418-425. 8. Государственный доклад «О состоянии и охране окружающей среды в Красноярском крае в 2020 году». Красноярск. 2021. URL: http://www.mpr.krskstate.ru/dat/bin/art_attach/17690_gosdoklad_2020.pdf 9. ASTM standard specification for coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use in concrete (C618-05) Annual book of ASTM standards, concrete and aggregates. V. 04.02, American Society for TestingMaterials (2005). 10. Wang S., Zhang C., Chen J., Utilization of Coal Fly Ash for the Production of Glass-ceramics With Unique Performances: A Brief Review. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2014. V. 30, No. 12. P. 1208-1212. 11. Sokolar R., Nguyen M. Influence of Class C Fly Ash on the Properties of Plastic Clay and Fired Brick Body. Mater. Tehnol. 2020. V. 54. P. 107-111. 12. Biffi G. Book for the Production of Ceramic Tiles, 1st ed.; Gruppo Editionale: Faenza, Italy. 2003. 13. Zimmer A., Bergmann C. P. Fly ash of mineral coal as ceramic tiles raw material. Waste Manag. 2007. V. 27. P. 59-68. 14. Патент RU № 2086517 С1 Тацки Л. Н., Лохова Н. А., Гершанович Г. Л., Сеничак Е. Б. Сырьевая смесь для изготовления стеновых керамических изделий. 10.08.1997. 15. Akimochkina G. V., Rogovenko E. S., Gareeva A. S., Fomenko E. V. Aerodynamic separation of dispersed microspheres PM 2 , 5 , PM 10 from fly ash of lignite combustion for production of new materials. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Chemistry. 2022. V. 15, No. 3. P. 387-397. 16. Glass S. J., Ewsuk K. G. Ceramic Powder Compaction. MRS Bulletin. 1997. V. 22, No. 12. P. 24-28. References 1. Available at: https://www.worldcoal.org/coal-facts/coal-electricity/ (accessed: 15.12.2022). 2. Yao Z. T., Ji X. S., Sarker P. K., Tang J. H., Ge L. Q., Xia M. S., Xi Y.Q. A comprehensive review on the applications of coal fly ash. Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, vol. 141, pp. 105-121. 3. Belviso C. State-of-the-art applications of fly ash from coal and biomass: A focus on zeolite synthesis processes and issues. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2018, vol. 65, pp. 109-135. 4. Moreno N., Querol X., Andres J. 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Gosudarstvennyjdoklad “Osostoyanii i ohrane okruzhayushchejsredy vKrasnoyarskom krae v 2020godu” [State report “On the state and protection of the environment in the Krasnoyarsk Krai in 2020”]. Krasnoyarsk, 2021. (In Russ.). Available at: http://www.mpr.krskstate.ru/dat/bin/art_attach/17690_gosdoklad_2020.pdf 9. ASTM standard specification for coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use in concrete (C618-05) Annual book of ASTM standards, concrete and aggregates, vol. 04.02, American Society for TestingMaterials (2005). 10. Wang S., Zhang C., Chen J., Utilization of Coal Fly Ash for the Production of Glass-ceramics With Unique Performances: A Brief Review. Journal o fMaterials Science & Technology, 2014, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1208-1212. 11. Sokolar R., Nguyen M. Influence of Class C Fly Ash on the Properties of Plastic Clay and Fired Brick Body. Mater. Tehnol, 2020, vol. 54, pp. 107-111. 12. Biffi G. Bookfor the Production o f Ceramic Tiles, 1st ed.; Gruppo Editionale, Faenza, Italy, 2003. 13. Zimmer A., Bergmann C. P. Fly ash of mineral coal as ceramic tiles raw material. WasteManag, 2007, vol. 27, pp. 59-68. 14. Patent RU No. 2086517 C 1 Tacki L. N., Lokhova N. A., Gershanovich G. L., Senichak E. B. Syr'evaya smes' dlya izgotovleniya stenovyh keramicheskih izdelij [Raw mixture for the manufacture of wall ceramic products]. 10.08.1997. (InRuss.). 15. Akimochkina G. V., Rogovenko E. S., Gareeva A. S., Fomenko E. V. Aerodynamic separation of dispersed microspheres PM 2 . 5 , PM 10 from fly ash of lignite combustion for production of new materials. Journal o fSiberian Federal University. Chemistry, 2022, vol. 15, no. 3. pp. 387-397. 16. Glass S. J., Ewsuk K. G. Ceramic Powder Compaction. MRS Bulletin, 1997, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 24-28. © Фоменко Е. В., Акимочкина Г. В., Гареева А. С., Аншиц А. Г., 2023 218