Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.4/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 4. С. 163-167. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 4. P. 163-167. References 1. GenkinM. V., Yevtushenko A. V., Komkov A. A., Safiulina A. M., Spiridonov S. V., Shvetsov S. V. Sposob izvecheniya redkozemei'nyh metallov i polucheniya stroitel'nogo gipsa izfosfogipsa polugidrata [A method for extracting rare earth metals and obtaining construction gypsum from phosphogypsumsemihydrate]. RU 2528576, 2014. (In Russ.). 2 . Genkin M. V., Yevtushenko A. V., Komkov A. A., Safiulina A. M., Spiridonov V. S., Shvetsov S. V. Sposob izvlecheniya redkozemel'nyh metallov i polucheniya stroitel'nogo gipsa iz fosfogipsa polugidrata [Method of extraction of rare earth metals and production of construction gypsum from phosphogypsum semi-hydrate]. RU 2528573 2013. (In Russ.). 3. Bogatyreva E. V., Ermilov A. G., Kuchinal Yu., Yevtushenko A. V. Sposob polucheniya vysokoprochnogo gipsa [Method of obtaining high-strength gypsum]. RU 2613388 2015. (In Russ.). 4. Millon E. Remarks of some examples of chemical affinity. Ann. Chim. Phys. 1847, vol. 19, 3, pp. 222-230. 5. Le Chatelier H. Recherchesexperimentales sur in constitution des mortlershydrauliqudes. 1st Edn. Paris: B. N., 1887. 6 . Le Chatelier H. Concerning the setting of plaster. Compt. Rend. 1883, vol. 96, pp. 1668-1671. 7. Armstrong E. F. Dissertation. Berlin, B. N., 1901. 8 . Van't Hoff, J. H., Armstrong E. F. Sitzber. Akad. 1900, p. 563. 9. Van't Hoff, J. H., Weigert, F. Sitzber. Akad. 1901, p. 1140. 10. Van't Hoff, J. H., Just G. Sitzber. Akad. 1903, p. 249. 11. Van't Hoff, J. H. [et al.] Gypsum and Anhydrite. Z. Phys. Chem. 1903, vol. 45, pp. 257-306. 12. Van't Hoff, J. H., Hinrichsen, W. and Weigert, F. Sitzber. Akad. 1901, p. 570. 13. Davis W. A. The nature of the changes involved in the production and setting of plaster-of-Paris. J Soc Chem Ind 1907, vol. 26, pp. 727-738. 14. Budnikov P. P. Gips i ego issledovanie. 2-e izdanie [Gypsum and its research. 2nd edition]. Leningrad, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1933. (In Russ.). 15. Bushuev N. N., Kristallogidratnaya voda v strukturah CaSO4*0,67 H 2 O i CaSO4*0,67H2O [Crystallohydrate water in CaS 0 4 * 0 , 6 7 H 2 0 and CaS 0 4 * 0 , 6 7 H 2 0 structures]. Zhurnal neorganicheskoj himii [Journal of Inorganic Chemistry], 1982, vol. 27, 3, pp. 610-615. (In Russ.). 16. Ramsdell L. S., Partridge E. P. The crystal forms of calcium sulfate. J. Mineralogical Society of America February 1929, vol. 14, 2, pp. 59-74. 17. Kosenko N. F., Belyakov A. S. Sposob polucheniya vysokoprochnogo gipsa [Amethod for obtaining high-strength gypsum]. 2392241 RU, 2009. (In Russ.). 18. Kosenko N. F., Belyakov A. S. and Smirnova M. A. Izmenenie fazovogo sostava CaSO4*2H2O pri razlichnyh sposobah mekhanohimicheskoj aktivacii [Change in the phase composition of CaS 0 4 * 2 H 2 0 at various methods ofmechanochemical activation]. Neorganicheskiematerialy [Inorganicmaterials], 2010, vol. 46, 5, pp. 615-620. (InRuss.). 19. Bogatyreva E. V., Ermilov A. G. Ocenka doli energii, zapasyonnoj pri mekhanicheskoj aktivacii mineral'nogo syr’ya [Estimation of the share of energy stored during mechanical activation of mineral raw materials]. Neorganicheskie materialy [Inorganic materials], 2008, vol. 44, pp. 242-247. (In Russ.). 20. Fersman A. E., Izbrannye trudy [Selected works]. Moscow, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958, p. 588, vol. 4. (In Russ.). 21. Zuev V. V., Aksenova G. A., Mochalov N. A. [et al.] Issledovanie velichin udel'nyh energij kristallicheskih reshetok mineralov i neorganicheskih kristallov dlya ocenki ih svojstv [Investigation of the values of specific energies of crystal lattices of minerals and inorganic crystals for assessing their properties]. Obogashchenie rud [0re enrichment], 1999, vol. 1-2, pp. 48-53. (In Russ.). Информация об авторах Е. В. Богатырева — доктор технических наук, профессор; М. В. Генкин — заместитель генерального директора; А. В. Евтушенко — кандидат химических наук, ведущий специалист; А. А. Комков — кандидат технических наук, доцент. Information about the authors Е. V. Bogatyreva — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; M. V. Genkin — Deputy General Director; A. V. Evtushenko — PhD (Chemistry), Leading Specialist; A. A. Komkov — PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor. Статья поступила в редакцию 24.01.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 31.01.2023; принята к публикации 01.02.2023. The article was submitted 24.01.2023; approved after reviewing 31.01.2023; accepted for publication 01.02.2023. © Богатырева Е. В., Генкин М. В., Евтушенко А. В., Комков А. А., 2023 167