Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.3/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 3. С. 76-81. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 3. P. 76-81. 4. Recent development of perovskite oxide-based electrocatalysts and their applications in low to intermediate temperature electrochemical devices / M. Zhang [ct al.] // Materials Today. 2021. Vоl. 49. P. 351-377. 5. Glasser L. Systematic Thermodynamics o f Layered Perovskites: Ruddlesden— Popper Phases // Inorg. Chem. 2017. W . 56. P. 8920-8925. 6. Phase equilibria, crystal structure and properties of complex oxides in the Nd 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO system / T. V. Aksenova [rt al.] // J. Solid State Chemistry. 2017. Ш . 248. P.183-191. 7. Phase Equilibria, Crystal Structure, and Properties of Intermediate Oxides in the Sm 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO System / N. E. Volkova [rt al.] // Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2017, No. 26. P. 3285-3292. 8. Oxygen content in oxides and subsolidus phase diagram of the Gd 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO system / A. V. Maklakova [й al.] // J. Alloys and Compounds. 2021. W . 883. P. 160794-160800. 9. Noguera C. Theoretical investigation of the Ruddlesden — Popper compounds Srn+ 1 TinO 3 n +1 (n = 1-3) // Philos. Mag. Lett. 2000. W . 80. P. 173. 10. Thermodynamic stability of ternary oxides in Ln-M-O (Ln = La, Pr, Nd; M = Co, Ni, Cu) sysnem / A. N. Petrov [Й al.] // J. Solid State Chemistry. 1988. ^ l . 77. P. 1-14. 11. Standard molar Gibbs energies of formation of the ternary compounds in the La-Co-O system using solid oxide galvanic cell method / S. C. Parida [ е al.] // J. Alloys and Compounds. 1999. Vоl. 285. P.7-11. 12. Jacob K. T., Rajitha G. Thermodynamic properties o f strontium titanates: Sr2TiO4, Sr3Ti2O7, Sr4Ti3O10, and SrTiO3 // J. Chem. Thermodyn. 2011. ^ l . 43. P. 51-57. 13. Thermodynamic Stability of Perovskites and Related Compounds in some Alkaline Earth-Transition Metal-Oxygen Systems / H. Yokokawa [Й al.] // J. Solid State Chem. 1991. ^ l . 106. P. 94-120. 14. Stability and thermodynamic functions of lanthanum nickelates / M. Zinkevich [й al.] // J. Alloys and Compounds. 2007. m 438. P. 92-99. References 1. Tilley R. Perovskites. Structure — Property Relationships. 2016, 315 p. 2. Wang Qi, Fan Hui, Xiao Yanfei, Zhang Yihe. Applications and recent advances of rare earth in solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Rare Earths, 2022, Vol. 40, pp.1668-1681. 3. Ning Han, Zhangfeng Shen, Xiaolin Zhao, Ruofei Chen, Vijay Kumar Thakur. Perovskite oxides for oxygen transport: Chemistry and material horizons. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, Vol. 806, pp. 151213. 4. Mengfei Zhang, Georgina Jeerh, Peimiao Zou, Rong Lan, Mingtai Wang, Huanting Wang, Shanwen Tao. Recent development of perovskite oxide-based electrocatalysts and their applications in low to intermediate temperature electrochemical devices. Materials Today, 2021, Vol. 49, pp. 351-377. 5. Glasser L. Systematic Thermodynamics of Layered Perovskites: Ruddlesden — Popper Phases. Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 56, pp. 8920-8925. 6. Aksenova T. V., Efimova T. G., Lebedev O. I., Elkalashy Sh. I., Urusova A. S., Cherepanov V. A. Phase equilibria, crystal structure and properties of complex oxides in the Nd 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO system. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 248, pp. 183-191. 7. Volkova N. E., Maklakova A. V., Gavrilova L. Ya., Cherepanov V. A. Phase Equilibria, Crystal Structure, and Properties of Intermediate Oxides in the Sm 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO System. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, No. 26, pp. 3285-3292. 8. Maklakova A. V., Vlasova M. A., Volkova N. E., Gavrilova L. Ya., Cherepanov V. A. Oxygen content in oxides and subsolidus phase diagram of the Gd 2 O 3 -SrO-CoO system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, Vol. 883, pp. 160794-160800. 9. Noguera C. Theoretical investigation o f the Ruddlesden— Popper compounds Srn+ 1 TinO 3 n +1 (n = 1-3). Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2000, Vol. 80, pp. 173. 10. Petrov A. N., Cherepanov V. A., Zuyev A. Yu., Zhukovsky V. M. Thermodynamic stability o f ternary oxides in Ln- M-O (Ln = La, Pr, Nd; M = Co, Ni, Cu) sysnem. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, Vol. 77, pp. 1-14. 11. Parida S. C., Singh Z., Dash S., Prasad R., Venugopal V. Standard molar Gibbs energies o f formation of the ternary compounds in the La-Co-O system using solid oxide galvanic cell method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1999, Vol. 285, pp. 7-11. 12. Jacob K. T., Rajitha G. Thermodynamic properties of strontium titanates: Sr2TiO4, Sr 3 Ti 2 O 7 , Sr 4 Ti 3 O 10 , and SrTiO3. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2011, Vol. 43, pp. 51-57. 13. Yokokawa H., Sakai N., Kawada T., Dokiya M. Thermodynamic Stability of Perovskites and Related Compounds in some Alkaline Earth-TransitionMetal-Oxygen Systems. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1991, Vol. 106, pp. 94-120. 14. Zinkevich M., Solak N., Nitsche H., Ahrens M., Aldinger F. Stability and thermodynamic functions of lanthanum nickelates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, Vol. 438, pp. 92-99. © Верещагин С. Н., Дудников В. А., Рабчевский Е. В., Соловьев Л. А., 2023 80