Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.3/2023(14))

При термообработке ниже температуры эвтектоидного превращения диффузионные процессы локализуются на границе соединения и приводят к формированию слоистой диффузионной зоны, состоящей из твердых растворов на основе интерметаллидов Ti 2 Ni, TiNi и TiNi 3 , а также включений твердого раствора на основе хрома по границе с Х20Н80. Повышение температуры термообработки выше эвтектоидного превращения интенсифицирует рост диффузионной зоны, не оказывая влияния на ее состав, а также приводит к диффузии никеля в титановый сплав и формированию в нем эвтектоидной структуры, протяженность которой почти в 10 раз превышает толщину диффузионной зоны. С пи со к и с то чн и ко в 1. Structure and oxidation behavior of y-TiAl coating produced by laser cladding on titanium alloy / I. N. Maliutina [et al.] // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2017. ^ l . 319. P. 136-144. 2. Aluminizing of TiAl-based alloy using thermal spray coating / T. Sasaki [et al.] // Surface and Coatings Technology. 2011. W . 205, No. 13-14. P. 3900-3904. 3. Microstructure and phase composition o f diffusion coating formed in NiCr alloys by hot-dip aluminizing / V. G. Shmorgun [et al.] // Surfaces and Interfaces. 2021. ^ l . 23. P. 100988. 4. Formation of the Interaction Zone on the Interlayer Boundary o f the Explosion-Welded Composite VT1-0-NP2 / V. G. Shmorgun [et al.] // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2020. Vоl. 11. P. 98-102. 5. Diffusion bonding of Ti/Ni under the influence o f an electric current: mechanism and bond structure / X. Gao [et al.] // J. Materials Science. 2017. W . 52. P. 3535-3544. 6. Investigating the solid-state diffusion at the interface o f Ni/Ti laminated composite / J. Luo [et al.] // J. Manufacturing Processes. 2022. W . 75. P. 670-681. 7. Diffusivity of Ti-Ni diffusion couple enhanced by pulse current during spark plasma sintering / R. Li [et al.] // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B. 2020. Vоl. 51. No. 1. P. 6-10. 8. Effect of interlayer on interfacial microstructure and properties of Ni80Cr20/TC4 vacuum diffusion bonded joint / S. Jian [et al.] // Vacuum. 2023. W . 208. P. 111738. 9. Liu K., Li Y., Wang J. Vacuum diffusion bonding TC4 to Ni80Cr20: Interfacial microstructure, segregation, cracking and properties // Vacuum. 2018. Vоl. 158. P. 218-222. 10. Microstructure Characteristics of Transient Liquid Phase Diffusion Bonding Super-Ni/NiCr Laminated Composite to TC4 Alloy / X. Xiaohan [et al.] // Science of Advanced Materials. 2019. Vоl. 11, No. 9. P. 1252-1258. References 1. Maliutina I. N., Si-Mohand H., Sijobert J., Bertrand P., Lazurenko D. V., Bataev I. A. Structure and oxidation behavior o f y-TiAl coating produced by laser cladding on titanium alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, Vol. 319, pp. 136-144. 2. Sasaki T., Yagi T., Watanabe T., Yanagisawa A. Aluminizing o f TiAl-based alloy using thermal spray coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2011, Vol. 205, No. 13-14, pp. 3900-3904. 3. Shmorgun V. G., Bogdanov A. I., Kulevich V. P., Iskhakova L. D., Taube A. O. Microstructure and phase composition of diffusion coating formed in NiCr alloys by hot-dip aluminizing. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021, Vol. 23, p. 100988. 4. Shmorgun V. G., Slautin O. V., Kulevich V. P., Serov A. G. Formation of the Interaction Zone on the Interlayer Boundary of the Explosion-Welded Composite VT1-0-NP2. Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2020, Vol. 11, pp. 98-102. 5. Gao X., Chen S., Dong F., Hu L., Yang R., Wang W., Munir Z. A. Diffusion bonding of Ti/Ni under the influence o f an electric current: mechanism and bond structure. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, Vol. 52, pp. 3535-3544. 6. Luo J., Yarigarravesh M., Assari A. H., Amin N. H., Tayyebi M., Paidar M. Investigating the solid-state diffusion at the interface o f Ni/Ti laminated composite. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, Vol. 75, pp. 670-681. 7. Li R., Niu P., Deng S., Yuan T., Liu G. Diffusivity o f Ti-Ni diffusion couple enhanced by pulse current during spark plasma sintering. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2020, vol. 51, pp. 6-10. 8. Jian S., Liu K., Li J., Wang H., Chen Z., Bokuchava G. Effect o f interlayer on interfacial microstructure and properties of Ni80Cr20/TC4 vacuum diffusion bonded joint. Vacuum, 2023, vol. 208, p. 111738. 9. Liu K., Li Y., Wang J. Vacuum diffusion bonding TC4 to Ni80Cr20: interfacial microstructure, segregation, cracking and properties. Vacuum, 2018, Vol. 158, pp. 218-222. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 3. С. 216-221. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 3. P. 216-221. © Кулевич В. П., Богданов А. И., Шморгун В. Г., Камалов Э. Р., 2023 220