Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.2/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY CONTENTS А ^ Ы ^ N. S., Deep recovery of lead and silver in processing of lead-containing gas purification Kasikov A. G. products of Kola MMC................................................................................................. 13 Afonin M. A., Flow sheets of individual REE of cerium subgroup recovery from chloride Sibilev A. S., medium by extractant on the basis of P507................................................................ 18 Blokhin A. A., Nechayev A. V. Beglaryan H. A., The formation of zinc orthosilicate species depending on the conditions Isahakyan A. R., of synthesis based on the use of hydrosilica gel derived from serpentine Terzyan A. M., minerals......................................................................................................................... 22 Zulumyan N. H. Belozerova A. A., Sorption extraction of molybdenum and tungsten from solutions using Pechishcheva N. V., manganese (IV) oxide / mechano-activated graphite composite.......................... 28 Kholmanskikh I. A., Shunyaev K. Y. Berezhko P.G.|, Study of aggregation and disaggregation processes of highly dispersed Zabrodina O. Yu., zirconium powder particles......................................................................................... 33 Tsarev M. V., Mokrushin V. V., Tsareva I. A., Kanunov A. E., Kashafdinov I. F., Korshunov K. V., Ivashov A. I., Pichugina S. A. Bogatyreva E. V., Influence of neodymium compounds energy content on the specific electrical Melnik F. conductivity of neodymium cobaltite............................................................................ 41 Bogdanov A. I., Design of functional coatings on the nickel alloys surface by the hot-dip Kulevich V. P., aluminizing.................................................................................................................... 45 Shmorgun V.G., Evchits R. D. Borodovskiy A. A., The development of facility and method for an automated determination of metal Dudorov I. V., powders ignition temperature....................................................................................... 50 Korshunov K. V., Leshchinskaya A.G., Stengach A. A., Yaroshenko V. V. Vershinin D. I., Obtaining powders of a set phase and granulometric composition Poskotinova A. M., in the Li 2 O-ZnO-TiO 2 system for LTCC-technology................................................ 56 Shurgaya N. S. Vetrova D. A., Titanium electrochemical behavior in chloride-fluoride melts of different Kuznetsov S. A. compositions in the presence of alkaline earth metal cations........................... 61 Gurin A. N., Determination of the specific activity of 177Lu and associated radionuclide Chakrova E. T., impurities........................................................................................................................ 67 Medvedeva Z. V., Soloninkina S. G., Zakharov V. A., Kulakova E. K. Matveyeva I. V. 8