Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.2/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 2. С. 78-81. Transactions of the Kala Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 2. P. 78-81. Список источников 1. Somekawa T., Matsuzaki Y., Sugahara M., et al. Physicochemical properties of Ba(Zr,Ce)O3-s-based proton-conducting electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells in terms of chemical stability and electrochemical performance // Int J Hydrogen Energy. 2017. V. 42. P. 16722-16730. 2. Kumar B. V. N, Samuel T., Bevara S., et al. Bright blue emissions on UV-excitation of LaBO3 (B = In, Ga, Al) perovskite structured phosphors for commercial solid-state lighting applications // Chim Techno Acta. 2022. V. 9. P. 3-9. 3. Okuyama Y., Kozai T., Ikeda S., et al. Incorporation and conduction of proton in Sr-doped LaMO3 (M = Al, Sc, In, Yb, Y) // Electrochim Acta. 2014. V. 125. P. 443-449. 4. Filonova E., Medvedev D. Recent Progress in the Design, Characterisation and Application of LaAlO3- and LaGaO3-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolytes // Nanomaterials. 2022. V. 12. 5. Galazka Z., Irmscher K., Ganschow S., et al. Melt Growth and Physical Properties of Bulk LaInO3 Single Crystals // Phys Status Solidi. 2021. V. 218. P. 2100016. 6. Jang D. H., Lee W.-J., Sohn E, et al. Single crystal growth and optical properties of a transparent perovskite oxide LaInO3 // J Appl Phys. 2017. V. 121. P. 125109. 7. Sood K., Singh K., Pandey O. P. Co-existence of cubic and orthorhombic phases in Ba-doped LaInO3 and their effect on conductivity // Phys B Condens Matter. 2015. V. 456. P. 250-257. 8. Okuyama Y., Ymaguchi T., Matsunaga N., Sakai G. Proton Conduction and Incorporation into La1-xBaxYb0.5Im.5O3-s // Mater Trans. 2018. V. 59. P. 14-8. 9. Okuyama Y., Ikeda S., Sakai T., et al. Incorporation of a proton into La0.9Sr0.1(Yb1-;<Mr)O3-s (M = Y, In) // Solid State Ion. 2014. V. 262. P. 865-869. References 1. Somekawa T, Matsuzaki Y, Sugahara M., et al. Physicochemical properties Ba(Zr,Ce)O3-s-based proton-conducting electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells in terms of chemical stability and electrochemical performance. Int J. Hydrogen Energy , 2017, vol. 42, pp. 16722-16730. 2. Kumar B. V. N, Samuel T., Bevara S., et al. Bright blue emissions on UV-excitation of LaBO3 (B = In, Ga, Al) perovskite structured phosphors for commercial solid-state lighting applications. Chim Techno Acta, 2022, vol. 9, pp. 3-9. 3. Okuyama Y., Kozai T., Ikeda S., et al. Incorporation and conduction of proton in Sr-doped LaMO3 (M = Al, Sc, In, Yb, Y). Electrochim Acta, 2014, vol. 125, pp. 443-449. 4. Filonova E., Medvedev D. Recent Progress in the Design, Characterisation and Application of LaAlO3- and LaGaO3-Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrolytes. Nanomaterials , 2022, vol. 12. 5. Galazka Z, Irmscher K, Ganschow S, et al. Melt Growth and Physical Properties of Bulk LaInO3 Single Crystals. Phys Status Solidi, 2021, vol. 218, p. 2100016. 6. Jang D. H., Lee W.-J., Sohn E, et al. Single crystal growth and optical properties of a transparent perovskite oxide LaInO3. J Appl Phys, 2017, vol. 121, p. 125109. 7. Sood K., Singh K., Pandey O. P. Co-existence of cubic and orthorhombic phases in Ba-doped LaInO3 and their effect on conductivity. Phys B Condens Matter , 2015, Vol. 456, pp. 250-257. 8. Okuyama Y, Ymaguchi T, Matsunaga N, Sakai G. Proton Conduction and Incorporation into La1-;tBaiYb0.5In0.5O3-8. Mater Trans., 2018. vol. 59, pp. 14-8. 9. Okuyama Y., Ikeda S., Sakai T., et al. Incorporation of a proton into La0.9Sr0.1(Yb1-;tM*)O3-s (M = Y, In). Solid State Ion., 2014, vol. 262, pp. 865-869. Информация об авторах А. В. Егорова — младший научный сотрудник; К. Г. Белова — кандидат химических наук, научный сотрудник; И. Е. Анимица — доктор химических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник. Information about the authors A. V. Egorova — Junior Researcher; K. G. Belova — PhD (Chemistry), Researcher; I. E. Animitsa — Dr. Sc. (Chemistry), Chief Researcher. Статья поступила в редакцию 06.02.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 13.02.2023; принята к публикации 14.02.2023. The article was submitted 06.02.2022; approved after reviewing 13.02.2023; accepted for publication 14.02.2023. © Егорова А. В., Белова К. Г., Анимица И. Е., 2023 81