Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.2/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 2. С. 74-77. Transactions of the Коіа Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 2. P. 74-77. Список источников 1. Гончарук В. В., Бабак Ю. В., Мельник Л. А., Трачевский В. В. Удаление соединений бора в процессе баромембранного опреснения // Химия и технология воды. 2011. Т. 33, №. 5. С. 518-529. 2. Aydin N. Boron Removal by Means of Precipitation Process with Magnesium Hydroxide // Advanced Materials Research. 2013. V. 699. Р. 262-267. 3. Rioyo J., Aravinthan V., Bundschuh J., Lynch M. ‘High-pH softening pretreatment’ for boron removal in inland desalination systems // Sep. Purif. Technol. 2018. V. 205. Р. 308-316. 4. Wang L. Synthesis of N-methylglucamine modified macroporous poly(GMA-co-TRIM) and its performance as a boron sorbent // Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2007. V. 67. P. 202-209. 5. Tural B. Separation and preconcentraition of boron with Glucamin modified Novel magnetic sorbent // Clean-Soil. Air. Water. 2010. V. 38, № 4. P. 321-327. 6. Miyazaki Y. Interaction of boric acid with salicyl derivatives as an anchor group of boron-selective adsorbents // Polyhedron. 2008. V. 27. P. 2785-2790. 7. Demey H. Development of a new chitosan/Ni(OH) 2 -based sorbent for boron removal // Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014. V. 244. P. 576-586. 8. Виноградов Е. Е., Кулиев А. А., Лепешков И. Н., Лыжина Л. Д. Экстракция борной кислоты смесью алифатических спиртов C7-C9 из хлормагниевых водных растворов // ЖНХ. 1978. Т. 23, № 10. С. 2774-2778. 9. Morita K., Hirayama N., Morita K., Imura H. Effect of organic cations and solvents on the ion-pair extractions ofboric acid with salicyl alcohol // Solvent extraction and development, Japan. 2011. V. 18. P. 199-203. 10. Lv J., Liu J., Sun Y., Li C. Kinetics of forward extraction of boric acid from salt lake brine by 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol in toluene using single drop technique // Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 2014. V. 22. Р. 496-502. 11. Tural B., Tural S., Hosegeoren H. Investigation of some 1,3-diols for the requirements of solvent extraction of boron: 2, 2, 6-trimethyl-1,3 heptanediol as a potential boron extractant // Turk. J. Chem. 2007. V. 31. P. 163-170. 12. Ran Z., Yingming X., Jianfeng S., Lixin X., Dingfeng K. Extraction of boron from salt lake brine using 2-ethylhexanol // Hydrometallurgy. 2016. V. 160. P. 129-136. References 1. Goncharuk V. V., Babak Yu. V., Mel'nik L. A., Trachevskij V. V. Udalenie soedinenij bora v processe baromembrannogo opresneniya [Removal of boron compounds in the process of baromembrane desalination]. Khimiya i tekhnologiya vody [Chemistry and technology of water], 2011, V. 33, no. 5, рр. 518-529. (In Russ.). 2. Aydin N. Boron Removal by Means of Precipitation Process with Magnesium Hydroxide. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2013, vol. 699, рр. 262-267. 3. Rioyo J., Aravinthan V., Bundschuh J., Lynch M. ‘High-pH softening pretreatment’ for boron removal in inland desalination systems. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2018, vol. 205, рр. 308-316. 4. Wang L. Synthesis of N-methylglucamine modified macroporous poly(GMA-co-TRIM) and its performance as a boron sorbent. Reactive and Functional Polymers., 2007, vol. 67, рр. 202-209. 5. Tural B. Separation and preconcentraition of boron with Glucamin modified Novel magnetic sorbent. Clean-Soil. Air. Water, 2010, vol. 38, No. 4, рр. 321-327. 6. Miyazaki Y. Interaction of boric acid with salicyl derivatives as an anchor group of boron-selective adsorbents. Polyhedron , 2008, vol. 27, рр. 2785-2790. 7. Demey H. Development of a new chitosan/Ni(OH) 2 -based sorbent for boron removal. Chemical Engineering Journal , 2014, vol. 244, рр. 576-586. 8. Vinogradov E. E., Kuliev A. A., Lepeshkov I. N., Lyzhina L. D. Ekstrakcziya bornoj kisloty smes’yu alifaticheskikh spirtov C 7 -C 9 iz khlormagnievykh vodnykh rastvorov [Extraction of boric acid with a mixture of aliphatic alcohols C 7 -C 9 from chlorine-magnesium aqueous solutions]. Zhurnalneorganicheskojkhimii [Journal ofInorganic Chemistry], 1978, V. 23, no. 10, рр. 2774-2778. (In Russ.). 9. Morita K., Hirayama N., Morita K., Imura H. Effect of organic cations and solvents on the ion-pair extractions ofboric acid with salicyl alcohol. Solvent extraction and development, Japan, 2011, vol. 18, рр. 199-203. 10. Lv J., Liu J., Sun Y., Li C. Kinetics of forward extraction of boric acid from salt lake brine by 2-ethyl-1,3-hexanediol in toluene using single drop technique. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 2014, vol. 22, рр. 496-502. 11. Tural B., Tural S., Hosegeoren H. Investigation of some 1,3-diols for the requirements of solvent extraction of boron: 2,2,6-trimethyl-1,3 heptanediol as a potential boron extractant. Turk. J. Chem., 2007, vol. 31, рр. 163-170. 12. Ran Z., Yingming X. , Jianfeng S., Lixin X., Dingfeng K. Extraction of boron from salt lake brine using 2-ethylhexanol. Hydrometallurgy , 2016, vol. 160, рр. 129-136. Информация об авторах Л. В. Дьякова — кандидат технических наук, старший научный сотрудник; А. Г. Касиков — кандидат химических наук, заведующий лабораторией. Information about the authors l. V. Dyakova — PhD (Chemistry), Senior Researcher; A. G. ^ sik o v — PhD (Chemistry), head of laboratory. Статья поступила в редакцию 12.02.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 13.02.2023; принята к публикации 14.02.2023. The article was submitted 12.02.2023; approved after reviewing 13.02.2023; accepted for publication 14.02.2023. © Дьякова Л. В., Касиков А. Г., 2023 77