Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.2/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 2. С. 167-171. Transactions of the Kala Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 2. P. 167-171. References 1. MurashovaN. M., KuptsovaM. Yu. Micelly, mikroemuTsii i liotropnye zhidkie kristally kak perspektivnye funkcional'nye nanomaterialy dlyahimicheskoj tekhnologii [Micelles, microemulsions and lyotropic liquid crystals as perspective functional nanomaterials for chemical technology]. Himicheskayapromyshlennost'segodnya [Chemical Industry Today], 2019, no. 6, pp. 64-69. (In Russ.). 2. Yurtov E. V., Murashova N. M. Sposob izvlecheniya metallov iz tverdofaznogo syr'ya [Method of metal recovery from solid- phase raw-materials]. Patent RU 2349652, 03.20.2009. (In Russ.). 3. Yurtov E. V., Murashova N. M. Leaching of metals with extractant-containing microemulsions. Theoretical Foundations o f Chemical Engineering, 2011, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 726-730. 4. Murashova N. M., Yurtov E. V. State of the Art and Prospects for Studies of Structure Formation in Extraction Systems with Metal Compounds. Theoretical Foundations o f Chemical Engineering, 2022, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 53-68. 5. Skorovarov D. I., Buchihin E. P., Zhilin Yu. S., Bochkarev V. M. Sposob ekstrakcionnogo izvlecheniya metallov iz rud i koncentratov [Method of extraction recovery ofmetals from ores and concentrates]. Patent RU 2207387, 07.04. 2001. (In Russ.). 6. Bauer D., Komornicki J., Tellier J. Process of liquid-liquid extraction of metals, with the aid of a microemulsion, from an aqueous solution. Patent US 4555343, 11.26.1985. 7. Chen Y., Mariba E. R. M, Van Dyk L., Potgieter J. H. A review of non-conventional metals extracting technologies from ore and waste. InternationalJournal ofMineral Processing, 2011, Vol. 98, No. 1-2, pp. 1-7. 8. Manjare S. D., Dhingra K. Supercritical fluids in separation and purification: A review. Materials Science fo r Energy Technologies, 2019, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 463-484. 9. Farooq M. Q., Abbasi N. M., Anderson J. L. Deep eutectic solvents in separations: Methods of preparation, polarity, and applications in extractions and capillary electrochromatography. Journal o fChromatographyA, 2020, vol. 1633, pp. 461613. 10. Murashova N. M., Levchishin S. Yu., Yurtov E. V. Izvlechenie ionov medi (II) iz oksida nanostrukturirovannym reagentom — mikroemul'siej di-(2-etilgeksil)fosfata natriya [Copper leaching from CuO by nanostructured reagent — microemulsion of sodiumbis-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate]. Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya [Chemical Technology], 2012, no. 1, pp. 19-23. (In Russ.). 11. Murashova N. M., Levchishin S. Yu., Yurtov E. V. Leaching of metals with microemulsions containing bis-(2-ethyhexyl)phosphoric acid or tributylphosphate. Hydrometallurgy, 2018, Vol. 175, pp. 278-284. 12. Solvent Extraction Principles and Practice. Rydberg J., Cox M., Musikas C., Choppin G. R. (Editors). Marcel Dekker. New York, Basel, 2004, 723 p. 13. Ciceri D., Mason L.R., Harvie D. J. E., Perera J. M., Stevens G. W. Extraction kinetics of Fe (Ш) by di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid using a Y-Y shaped microfluidic device. ChemicalEngeneeringResearch andDesign, 2014, vol. 92, pp. 572-580. 14. Murashova N. M., Levchishin S. Yu., Yurtov E. V. Mikroemul'sii s di-(2-etilgeksil)fosfornoj kislotoj dlya vyshchelachivaniya cvetnyh metallov iz shlamov [Microemulsions containing bis-2-(ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid for non-ferrous metals leaching from sludge]. Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya [Chemical Technology], 2011, no. 7. pp. 405-410. (In Russ.). 15. Polyakova A. S., Murashova N. M., Yurtov E. V. Microemulsions in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-1-Butanol-Extractant- Kerosene-Water Systems for Extracting Nonferrous Metals from Oxide Raw Materials. Russian Journal o fApplied Chemistry, 2020, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 244-251. 16. Dronova E. K., Murashova N. M. Vyshchelachivanie tyazhelyh cvetnyh metallov i zheleza s pomoshch'yu mikroemul'sii dodecilsul'fata natriya, soderzhashchih ekstragent [Leaching of heavy non-ferrous and iron using sodium dodecyl sulfate microemulsions containing an extractant]. Uspekhi v himii i himicheskoj tekhnologii [Advances in chemistry and chemical technology], 2022, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 119-122. (In Russ.). Информация об авторе Н. М. Мурашова — доктор химических наук, доцент кафедры наноматериалов и нанотехнологии. Information about the author N. M. Murashova — Doctor of Chemistry, docent of Department of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. Статья поступила в редакцию 31.01.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 31.01.2023; принята к публикации 01.02.2023. The article was submitted 31.01.2023; approved after reviewing 31.01.2023; accepted for publication 01.02.2023. © Мурашова Н. М., 2023 171