Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.2/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Selezneva A. D., Kashafdinov I. F., Tsarev M. V., Ivanov D. G., Kiselev P. L. Sokolova Yu. V., Study of cathode materials of waste lithium-ion batteries........................................... 238 Kordik V. O., Smirnov D. I., Zvonareva M. E., Demidova N. I. Suzdaltsev A. V., Current status and recent trends in the electrolytic production of silicon......................... 244 Gevel T. A., Parasotchenko Yu. A., Pavlenko O. B., Zhuk S. I., Leonova N. M., Leonova А. M., Gorshkov L. V. Uvarov B. V., Technology of crystallization separation of nickel and cadmium in the processing Tsygankova M. V., of nickel-cadmium electrode mass of alkaline batteries............................................. 249 Chernyshova O. V. Chubieva E. S., Plasma electrolytic niobium oxidation in borate and tungstate electrolytes............... 254 Lukyanchuk I. V. , Vasilyeva M. S., Budnikova Yu. B., Kuryavyi V. G., Yakovleva N. M. Yakovlev K. A., The effect of surface tension on the structural and surface properties Mayorov D. V. of hydrated aluminum oxide obtained by the interaction of aluminum salts with ammonia gas........................................................................................................ 259 Determination of the specific surface of fine-dispersed zirconium powders by low-temperature nitrogen adsorption method........................................................ 233 12