Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Gerasimova L. G., Shchukina E. S., Titanium-containing functional materials from natural raw materials Nikolaev A. I. and technogenic w aste............................................................................... 92 Dyatlova E. M., Panteleenko F. I., Obtaining heat-resistant ceramics based on various natural Popov R. Yu. and synthetic materials............................................................................... 96 Egorova A. V., Belova K. G., Features of proton transport in BaLa0.9M0.-iInO4 (M = Nd, Gd, Pr) Bedarkova A. O., Animitsa I. E., and BaLaIn 0 . 9 M 0 . 1 O 4 (M = Sc, Y) doped perovskites based on Tarasova N. A. barium lanthanum indate.......................................................................... 105 Zhukov S. V., Nechaev A. V., Sulfuric acid technology for processing serpentinites with obtaining Chemekov A. M., Shestakov S. V. magnesium sulphate septahydrate......................................................... 110 Karunova E. V., Vikulov V. L., Use of a fine coke additive in coal charge to obtain quality coke........ 116 Kalko O. A., Sorokina I. V. Koroleva E. O., Boyarintseva E. V., Production of yttrium concentrate from collective REE concentrate Stepanov S. I. in carbonate medium................................................................................. 122 Korshunov A. D., Saltykova S. N., Evaluation of the possibility of use of coal-ash residues of oil shales Dmitriev I. M. as a sorbent.................................................................................................. 127 Leonenko N. A. The changes of structure in ferruginous quartzites under the impact of laser radiation......................................................................................... 132 Lokshin E. P., Tareeva O. A. New hydrometallurgical method of decomposition of titanomagnetite concentrates............................................................... 138 Lokshin E. P., Tareeva O. A., On the processing of Lovozero eudialyte concentrate by sorption Drogobuzhskaya S. V. conversion...................................................................................................... 144 Mayorov D. V., Kopkova E. K. Effects of Mg-Zn substitution in the structure of layered double aluminum hydroxides on their physicochemical properties............... 150 Mayorov D. V., Morozkov A. V. Investigation of the kinetics of sulfuric acid decomposition of nepheline.... 157 Medyankina I. S., Pasechnik L. A. Fluoroammonium processing of technogenic waste with obtaining functional materials................................................................................... 163 Menshikov V. V., Matyasova V. E., Chemical enrichment of substandard beryllium concentrates............. 168 Solntseva E. V. Mindubaev A. Z., Minzanova S. T., The industrial pollutants biodegradation of using aspergillus niger Babynin E V., Mironova L. G., strains........................................................................................................... 171 Badeeva E. K. Mudruk N. V., Zinov'eva I. V., A study on solvent extraction of titanium and niobium using binary Lodygina P. A., Zakhodyaeva Yu. A., extractants................................................................................................... 180 Voshkin A. A., Nikolaev A. I., Drogobuzhskaya S. V. Naumov D. V., Kurkov A. V., Assessment of physical methods of enrichment of poor Anufrieva S. I., Cheprasov I. V., spodumene-containing ore tailings........................................................... 188 Vorogushin N. T. Nechipurenko S. V., Efremov S. A., Production of granulated activated carbon from coke batt Tokmurzin D. Zh., Kaiaidarova A. K. of the Shubarkol coal deposit................................................................... 192 7