Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2023(14))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY CONTENTS Nikolaev A. I. Chemical technologies of processing raw materials of the Kola Peninsula featuring I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements And Mineral Raw Materials of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences........................................................... 9 Tananaev I. G., Krivovichev S. V., Lithium is a new pole of attraction to the Kola region.......................... 15 Mudruk S. V., Dub A. V., Vernigora A. S. Kruchinina I. Yu. The main directions of research in the field of modern materials science at the ISC RAS............................................................................. 19 Ivanov V. K. Nanocrystalline ceria-based functional biomedical materials............ 23 Stolyarova V. L., Vorozhtcov V. A., High temperature thermodynamic properties of ceramics based Sokolova T. V. on hafnium and rare earth oxides............................................................ 27 Voshkin A. A., Zakhodyaeva Yu. A., Extraction technologies for the recycling of spent power sources............. 36 Zinov'eva I. V., Kozhevnikova A. V., Milevskii N. A., Tokar E. S. Lebedev M. P., Startsev O. V. Changes in the strength of reinforced plastics for long-term operation in open climatic conditions..................................................... 40 Yeganyan Ju. R., Kumkumajyan Ye. V., Study of the phase separation process and development Galoyan K. K., Gasparyan L. A., of transparent glass-ceramics based on fluorine-containing Manukyan G. G., Knyazyan N. B. boron-aluminosilicate system s................................................................. 46 Zamoryanskaya M. V., Orekhova K. N., Ceramic radiation-resistant scintillators for high-energy radiation Gusev G. A., Masloboeva S. M., detection....................................................................................................... 52 Shakirova A. A., Dementieva E. V., Burakov B. E. Kasikov A. G., Dyakova L. V., Obtaining of non-ferrous metals and iron salts from products Sokolov A. Y., Areshina N. S. and waste of copper-nickel production.................................................. 57 Nechaev A. V., Polyakov E. G. Potential and reality of REE of Kola Peninsula..................................... 64 Palatnikov M. N., Sidorov N. V., Investigation of the properties of single and double doped lithium niobate Sandler V. A., Makarova O. V., single crystals — functional materials of optoelectronics............................. 69 Teplyakova N. A., Biryukova I. V., Masloboeva S. M., Kadetova A. V. Golubeva O. Yu., Alikina Yu. A. Nanoarchitectonics of layered alumosilicates as a basis Brazovskaya E. Yu. for creating new functional materials for solving topical problems of medicine and environment................................................. 74 Andreev A. S., Aksenchik K. V. Problem statement and construction of a formalized energetically autonomous technological system on the example of sulfuric acid production........................................................................................... 81 Artemenkov A. G., Gerasimova L. G., Acid decomposition of perovskite in a reactor with submersible Bychenya Yu. G., Kuznetsova E. V. electrodes.................................................................................................... 85 Genkin M. V., Evtushenko A. V., Extraction recovery of rare earth metals from phosphogypsum Spiridonov V. S., Safiulina A. M. leaching solutions...................................................................................... 88 6