Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2023(14))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2023. Т. 14, № 1. С. 229-233. Transactions of the Kala Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2023. Vol. 14, No. 1. P. 229-233. 6 . GottliebsenK., GrinbaumB., ChenD., StevensG. W. Recovery of sulfuric acidfromcopper tankhouse electrolyte bleeds. Hydrometallurgy, 2000, Vol. 56, pp. 293-307. 7. Klyushnikov A. M. Removal of Copper from Underspoil Water of Mines by Cementation. Journal ofMining Science , 2020, Vol. 56, No 1, pp. 142-148. 8 . Babenko S. A., Pinigin S. A., Tasoev R. I. Issledovanie processa cementacii medi zheleznymi struzhkami [Study of the process of cementation of copper with iron shavings]. Izvestija TPI [Bulletin of the TPU], 1976, Vol. 275, pp. 92-95. (In Russ.). 9. pH osazhdenija gidroksidov metallov [pH precipitation of metal hydroxides. Analiticheskaja himija. Available at: https://www.freechemistry.ru/osadok.htm (accessed 25.01.2023). 10. Pereira D. D., Rocha S. D. F., Mansur M. B. Recovery of zinc sulphate from industrial effluents by liquid-liquid extraction using D2EHPA (di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid). Separation and Purification Technology , 2007, Vol. 53, pp. 89-96. 11. SinghD. K., Mishra S. L., SinghH. Stripping of iron(III) from theD2EHPA + TBP extract produced duringuranium recovery fromphosphoric acidby oxalic acid. Hydrometallurgy, 2006, Vol. 81, pp. 214-218. 12. Sokolov A. Yu., Kasikov A. G. Poluchenie i identifikacija oksalatazheleza(II) iz promproduktov i othodovmedno- nikelevogo proizvodstva [Synthesis and identification of iron(II) oxalate from intermediate products and wastes of copper-nickel production]. Sbornik statej X II Mezhdunarodnogo Kurnakovskogo soveshhanija po fiziko- himicheskomu analizu [Abstracts of the X II. International Kurnakov Conference in Physical and Chemical Analysis], 2022, pp. 103-104. (In Russ.). Информация об авторах А. Ю. Соколов — аспирант; Е. А. Щелокова — кандидат химических наук, старший научный сотрудник; К. А. Воронцов —главный технолог; А. Г. Касиков — кандидат химических наук, заведующий лабораторией. Information about the authors A. Yu. Sokolov — PhD Student; E. A. Shchelokova — PhD (Technic), senior researcher; K. A. Vorontsov — chief technologist; A. G. Kasikov — PhD (Chemistry), head of laboratory. Статья поступила в редакцию 31.01.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 31.01.2023; принята к публикации 01.02.2023. The article was submitted 31.01.2023; approved after reviewing 31.01.2023; accepted for publication 01.02.2023. © Соколов А. Ю., Щелокова Е. А., Воронцов К. А., Касиков А. Г., 2023 233