Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.2/2022(1))

EARTH SCIENCES AND ECOLOGY CONTENTS Makarov D. V. On the 85-th anniversary since birthday of Viktor Nikolaevich Makarov................. 5 Chanturiya V. A., Justification of technologies for processing and reducing the environmental danger Masloboev V. A., of waste from mining enterprises: the main results and prospects of scientific Suvorova O. V., cooperation............................................................................................................ 9 Vasileva T. N., Makarov D. V., Minenko V. G. Suvorova O. V., Heat-insulating materials from mineral and man-made raw materials of the Kola Manakova N. K. Peninsula................................................................................................................ 20 Belogurova O. A., Technogenic wastes of Kovdor GOK—raw resources for unshaped materials............. 30 Savarina M. A., Sharai T. V. Gerasimova L. G., Btaining fillers for building materials from raw sphene concentrate........................ 41 Shchukina E. S., Kuzmich Y. V., Kiselev Y. G. Kalinkina E. V., Composite mechanically activated binders based on power plant fly ash, calcite Kalinkin A. M., and two-water gypsum........................................................................................... 50 Ivanova A. G., Kruglyak E. A |Gurevich B. I.| Bastrygina S. V., Influence of silica-containing additives on strength properties of lightweight concrete Konokhov R. V. on porous aggregate............................................................................................... 58 Mayorov D. V., Investigation of the processes of thermal decomposition and rehydration Kopkova E. K. of Mg-Al LDH obtained by solid-phase synthesis................................................... 67 Tyukavkina V. V., Aspects of the use of nanodispersed titanosilicate additives in the composition Tsyryatyeva A. V. of the cement composition....................................................................................... 75 Mayorov D. V. Structural-surface and sorption properties of composite Zr-Ti-SiO 2 sorbents based on mineral raw materials of the Kola peninsula for the extraction of non-ferrous metals and radionuclides from aqueous solutions................................................. 83 Kremenetskaya I. P., Physical and chemical modeling of the ZnSO4-CaO(MgO)-SIO2-H2O system........ 93 MazukhinaI S. I., Drogobuzhskaya S. V., Ivanova T. K. Isaeva L. G. Cooperation in the use of waste from the mining and processing industry for the production of ameliorants and their use in the restoration of disturbed forest areas............................................................................................................ 100 Kalashnik A. I. Model patterns of changes in hydrogeomechanical state of the mining waste storage barrier........................................................................................................ 107 Banshchikova L. S., Research of swamps in logistic purposes using the unmanned aerial vehicles Kalyuzhny I. L. (UAVS).................................................................................................................... 113 Artemkina N. A. Phenolics and lignin in plants of spruce and pine forests under industrial air pollution.................................................................................................................. 120 Danilova A. D., Differentiation of flora and vegetation of the tundra and fjell field in Khibiny Koroleva, N. E. and Lovozero massif (Kola Peninsula)................................................................... 129 Novakovsky A. B. 4