Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.2/2022(1))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2022. Т. 1, № 2. С. 120-128. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2022. Vol. 1, No. 2. P. 120-128. 20. Physiological Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies in Plants Under Changing Environment / R. Bhardwaj ^ t al.]; eds. P. Ahmad, M. R. Wani. New York: Springer Science; Business Media, 2014. P. 267-296. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8591-9_10. 21. Plant phenolics: Recent advances on their biosynthesis, genetics, and ecophysiology / V. Cheynier ^ t al.] // Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013. Vol. 72. P. 1-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2013.05.009. 22. Plant secondary metabolites: a key driver o f litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling / M. Chomel [et al.] // J. Ecology. 2016. Vol. 104, № . 6. P. 1527-1541. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12644. 23. Plant-soil feedbacks: the past, the present and future challenges / W. H. Van der Putten ^ t al.] // J. Ecology. 2013. Vol. 101, № 2. P. 265-76. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12054. 24. Role o f secondary metabolites and brassinosteroids in plant defense against environmental stresses / A. Bartwal fct al.] // J. Plant Growth Regulation. 2013. Vol. 32, № 1. Р. 216-232. doi:10.1007/s00344- 012-9272-x. 25. The effects o f simulated acid rain and heavy metal pollution on the mountain birch-autumnal moth interaction / T. van Ooik [d; al.] // Chemoecology. 2012. Vol. 22, № . 4. P. 251-262. doi:10.1007/s00049- 012-0114-x. References 1. Artemkina N. A., Orlova M. A., Lukina N. V. Mikromozaika rastitel'nosti i variabel'nost' khimicheskogo sostava L-gorizontov severotayezhnykh yel'nikov kustarnichkovo-zelenomoshnykh [Microscale mosaic o f vegetation and variability in chemical composition o f subhorizon L in dwarf-shrub-moss spruce forests o f the north taiga]. Lesovedeniye [Contemporary Problems o f Ecology], 2018, No. 2, pp. 97-106 (In Russ.). 2. Artemkina N. A. Osobennosti nakopleniya fenol'nykh soyedineniy v Empetrum hermaphroditum HAGER, v razlichnykh ekologicheskikh usloviyakh [Features o f the accumulation o f phenolic compounds in Empetrum hermaphroditum HAGER, in various environmental conditions]. Materialy V Vserossiyskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Novyye dostizheniya v khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii rastitel'nogo syr'ya” [Materials o f the V All-Russian Conference with International Participation “New advances in chemistry and chemical technology o f plant raw materials”], 2012, pp. 499-501 (In Russ.). 3. Artemkina N. A. Soderzhaniye fenol'nykh soyedineniy v V. vitis-idaea L. sosnovykh lesov Kol'skogo poluostrova [The content o f phenolic compounds in V. vitis-idaea L. pine forests o f the Kola Peninsula]. Khimiya rastitel'nogo syr'ya [Chemistry o f Plant Raw Material], 2010, No. 3, pp. 153-160 (In Russ.). 4. Artemkina N. A. Soderzhaniye fenol'nykh soyedineniy i elementnyy sostav v Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Ericaceae) v yelovykh lesakh Kol'skogo poluostrova v usloviyakh tekhnogennogo zagryazneniya [The content o f phenolic compounds and elemental composition in Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Ericaceae) in the spruce forests o f the Kola Peninsula under the technogenic pollution]. Rastitel'nyye resursy [Plant resources], 2010, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 86-98 (In Russ.). 5. Afanas'yeva L. V., Mikhaylova T. A., Kashin V. K. Sostoyaniye sosnovykh drevostoyev v usloviyakh tekhnogennogo zagryazneniya v Respublike Buryatiya [State o f pine forest stands in conditions o f technogenic pollution in the Republic o f Buryatia]. Rastitel'nyye resursy [Plant resources], 2010, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 51-61 (In Russ.). 6. Ivanova Ye. A., Lukina N. V., Danilova M. A., Artemkina N. A., Smirnov V. E., Yershov V. V., Isayeva L. G. Vliyaniye aerotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya na skorost' razlozheniya rastitel'nykh ostatkov v sosnovykh lesakh na severnom predele rasprostraneniya [The effect o f air pollution on the rate o f decomposition o f plant litter at the northern limit o f pine forests]. Lesovedeniye [Contemporary Problems o f Ecology], 2019, No. 6, pp. 533-546 (In Russ.). 7. Zverev V. Ye. Smertnost' i vozobnovleniye berezy izvilistoy v zone vozdeystviya medno-nikelevogo kombinata v period znachitel'nogo sokrashcheniya vybrosov: rezul'taty 15-letnego monitoringa [Mortality and recruitment o f mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) in the impact zone o f a copper-nickel smelter in the period o f significant reduction o f emission: the results o f 15-year monitoring]. Ekologiya [Russian Journal o f Ecology], 2009, No. 4, pp. 271-277 (In Russ.). © Артемкина Н. А., 2022 126