Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.1/2022(1))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2022. Т. 1, № 1. С. 20-29. Transactions of the to la Science Centre. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2022. Vol. 1, No. 1. P. 20-29. References 1. Oranzhireeva A. M. Rabota Akademii nauk SSSR i socialisticheskoe stroitel'stvo na Kol ’skompoluostrove: (1920-1935) [Work o f the Academy o f Sciences o f the USSR and socialist construction on the Kola Peninsula: (1920-1935)]. Apatity, 2008, 119 p. (In Russ.). 2. Koshechkin B. I. Tundra hranit sled. Ocherki ob issledovatelyah K o l’skogo Severa [Tundra keeps a trace. Essays on explorers o f the Kola North]. Murmansk, 1979, 150 p. (In Russ.). 3. Koshechkin B. I. Otkrytie Laplandii [Discovery o f Lapland]. Murmansk, 1983, 125 p. 4. Razumova I. A. K u l’turnye landshafty K o l’skogo Severa: goroda u “Bol'shoj vody” i Hibin. Social'no-antropologicheskie ocherki [Cultural landscapes o f the Kola North: cities near the “Big Water” and Khibiny Mountains. Social-anthropological essays]. Saint Petersburg, 2009, 160 p. (In Russ.). 5. Shabalina O. V., Paciya E.Ya. Pis’ma Vasiliya Kondrat’evicha Alymova [Vasily Kondratievich Alymov’s letters]. Zhivaya starina [Living antiquity], 2005, no. 4, pp. 47-50. (In Russ.). 6. Hudozhniki-uchastniki ekspedicij na Krajnij Sever: iz sobraniya Muzeya-arhiva istorii izucheniya i osvoeniya Evropejskogo Severa KNC RAN [Artists-participants o f the expedition to the Far North. From the collection o f the Museum-archive o f history o f Studying and Exploration o f the European North o f the Kola Research Center RAS]. Saint Petersburg, 2008, 207 p. (In Russ.). 7. Bodrova O. A. Vpoiskah otrazheniya: saamy Kol ’skogo Severa v russkoj etnograficheskoj literature vtoroj poloviny X IX - nachala X X vv. [In search o f reflection: the Sami o f the Kola North in the Russian ethnographic literature o f the second half o f the XIX-early XX centuries]. Apatity, 2014, 168 p. (In Russ.). 8. Shabalina O. V. Materialy personal’nyh fondov V. V. Charnoluskogo, Ya. A. Komshilova Muzeya-arhiva istorii izucheniya i osvoeniya Evropejskogo Severa CGP KNC RAN kak istochniki po istorii etnograficheskih issledovanij na severo-zapade Rossii [V. V. Charnoluskiy’s, Ya. A. Komshilov’s personal funs materials in the Museum-Archive o fthe history o f study and development o fthe European North BCH KRC RAS as sources on the history o f ethnographic research in the north-west of Russia]. Trudy Ob ’edinennogo nauchnogo soveta po gumanitarnym problemam i istoriko-kul’turnomu naslediyu [Proceedings o f the United scientific council for humanitarian problems and historical and cultural heritage], 2014, issue 20, pp. 13-28. (In Russ.). 9. Shabalina O. V. Literaturno-izobrazitel'nye materialy personal’nyh fondov G. D. Rihtera i V. V. Charnoluskogo kak istochniki po istorii organizacii i provedeniya arkticheskih i subarkticheskih ekspedicij v aspekte ih finansovogo i prodovol'stvennogo obespecheniya [Literary and pictorial materials o f G. D. Richter’s and V. V. Charnoluskiy’s personal funds as sources on the history o f organizing and conducting Arctic and Subarctic expeditions in the aspect o f their financial and provision security]. Trudy KNC RAN RAN. Gumanitarnye issledovaniya [Proceedings o f the Kola Science Center o f the RAS. Humanitarian studies], 2017, issue 11, pp. 66-82. (In Russ.). 10.Zajcev O. A. Lichnyj arhiv V. V. Charnoluskogo kak istochnik po istorii etnoreligioznyh processov v srede Kol’skih saami v 1920-1930-h gg. (na materialah iz fondov Murmanskogo oblastnogo kraevedcheskogo muzeya) [Personal archive o f V. V. Charnoluskiy as a source on the history o f ethnoreligious processes among the Kola Sami in the 1920s - the 1930s (on the materials from the funds o f the Murmansk Regional Local History Museum)]. Trudy KNC RAN. Gumanitarnye issledovaniya [Proceedings o f the Kola Science Center o f the RAS. Humanitarian studies], 2018, issue 14, pp. 84-96. (In Russ.). 11.Kuropyatnik M. S. Kollekcii po etnografii saamov [Collections on the ethnography o f the Sami]. Materialy po etnografii. T. II: Narody Pribaltiki, Severo-Zapada, Srednego Povolzh'ya i Priural'ya [Materials on ethnography. Vol. II: Peoples o f the Baltic, North-West, Middle Volga and Urals], Saint Petersburg, 2004, pp. 136-141. (In Russ.). 12.Pishchulin Yu. P. Muzejnye terminy [Museum terms]. Terminologicheskie problemy muzeevedeniya [Terminological problems o f museology], Moscow, 1986, pp. 36-135. (In Russ.). 13.Derrida J. Archive Fever A Freudian Impression. Diacritics, 1995, no. 25/2, pp. 9-63. 14.Ricoeur P. Vremya i rasskaz. T. 1. Intriga i istoricheskij rasskaz [Time and narrative. Vol. 1. Intrigue and historical story]. Moscow, Saint Petersburg, 1998, 313 p. (In Russ.). 15.Ricoeur P. Pamyat', istoriya, zabvenie [Memory, history, oblivion]. Moscow, 2004, 728 p. (In Russ.). © Коткин К. Я., 2022 28