Труды КНЦ (Естественные и гуманитарные науки вып.1/2022(1))

Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Естественные и гуманитарные науки. 2022. Т. 1, № 1. С. 185-195. Transactions of the Kala Science Centre. Series: Natural Sciences and Humanities. 2022. Vol. 1, No. 1. P. 185-195. 14.Гурина Н. Н. История культуры древнего населения Кольского полуострова. СПб.: Центр «Петербургское Востоковедение», 1997. 233 с. 15.Шумкин В. Я. Древности саамов российской Лапландии // In situ: К 85-летию проф. А. Д. Столяра. СПб., 2006. С. 130-146. 16.Wrigglesworth, Melanie. Krabbestig. Vags 0 y kommune Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune. Rapport fra Sikring av bergkunst 2003. Bergen: Bergen Museum / Universitetet i Bergen. 2003. 17.Mulk I.-M., Bayliss-Smith T. Rock art and Sami sacred geography in Badjelannda, Laponia, Sweden. Sailing boats, anthropomorphs and reindeer. Umea: Archaeology and Environment. 2006. 18.Колпаков Е. М. Отчет Кольской археологической экспедиции ИИМК РАН о раскопках на Канозере в Мурманской области 2018 г. Открытый лист № 471 от 22.05.2018. 48 с. References 1. Goldhahn J. Emplacement and the hau o f Rock Art. Changing pictures: rock art traditions and visions in Northern Europe / edited by Joakim Goldhahn, Ingrid Fuglestvedt, and Andrew Jones. Papers from a workshop held at Linnaeus University, Sweden, in 2008. 2010. 2. Sher Ya. A. Pervobytnoye iskusstvo: ucheb. posobie [Prehistoric art: study book]. Kemerovo, Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2006, 351 p. (In Russ.). 3. Likhachev V. A. Risunki Kanozera: otkrytiye, izucheniye, sokhraneniye [Rock art o f Kanozero: discovery, study, preservation]. Apatity, Kola biodiversity conservation center, 2011, 124 p. (In Russ.). 4. Kolpakov E. M., Shumkin V. Ya. Petroglify Kanozera [Petroglyphs o f Kanozero]. Saint Petersburg, Iskusstvo Rossii, 2012, 424 p. (In Russ.). 5. Likhachev V. Kanozero petroglyphs: history o f discovery and investigation. Adoranten, 2018, pp. 48-71. 6. Likhachev V. A. Novyye nakhodki scopleniy petroglifov na Kanozere (period 2017-2019) [New findings o f clusters o f petroglyphes on Canozero (period 2017-2019)]. Trudy KNTS RAN GI [Proceedings o f the KSC RAS GI], 2020, no. 18, pp. 85-108. (In Russ.). 7. Likhachev V. New motives and compositions o f the Kanozero petroglyphs (On materials o f new findings o f 2016-2019). Adoranten, 2021, pp. 72-87. 8. Likhachev V. A. Petroglify Kanozera: novyye metody izucheniya i novyye nakhodki [Rock carvings o f Kanozero: new methods o f documentation and the new findings]. Trudy KNTS RAN GI [Proceedings o f the KSC RAS GI], 2017, no. 9, pp. 113-120. (In Russ.). 9. Likhachev V. A. Dokumentirovaniye petroglifov Kanozera: ot kontaktnykh metodik k fotogrammetrii [Documentation o f petroglyphs o f Kanozero: from contact methods to photogrammetry] // Problemy istorii, filologii, kul'tury [Problems o f history, philology, culture], 2021, no. 2 (72), pp. 145-164. (In Russ.). 10.Likhachev V. A. Gornie porody skal s petroglifami na ostrovah Kanozera: istoriya I perspektiva izucheniya. [Rock formations with petroglyphs on the Kanozero islands: history and prospects o f study]. Vestnik KNTS RAN [Herald o f the KSC RAS], 2020, no. 2, pp. 15-28. 11.Bunse L. Multi-ethnic Involvement? Production and Use o f Soapstone in Northern Norway // Soapstone in the North. Quarries, Products and People. 7000 BC - AD 1700, Gitte Hansen and Per Storemyr (eds). Bergen, University o f Bergen Archeological Series, 2017, no. 9, рр. 59-72. 12.0steras B. Slipsteinberget Soapstone Vessel Quarry. Home Production or Professional Craft? Soapstone in the North. Quarries, Products and People. 7000 BC - AD 1700, Gitte Hansen and Per Storemyr (eds). Bergen: University o f Bergen Archeological Series. 2017, no. 9, рр. 153-164. 13. Grenne T., Bodil 0steras B., Stenvik L. The Sandbekkdalen Quarry, Kvikne: A Window into Early Iron Age Soapstone Exploitation in Norway. Soapstone in the North. Quarries, Products and People. 7000 BC - AD 1700. Gitte Hansen and Per Storemyr (eds). University o f Bergen Archeological Series. University I Bergen. 2017, no. 9, рр. 93-106. 14.Gurina N. N. Istoriya kul'tury drevnego naseleniya Kol'skogopoluostrova [History o f culture o f the ancient population o f the Kola Peninsula]. Saint Petersburg, Center “Petersburg Oriental Studies”, 1997, 233 p. © Лихачев В. А., 2022 194