Труды КНЦ (Технические науки) 3/2022(13).

ENERGY AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. ENERGY PROBLEMS OF THE NORTHERN AREAS CONTENTS Kuznetsov N. M., Energy research in the Murmansk region................................................. 5 Selivanov V. N. Minin V. A. Potential and prospects for the use of renewable energy sources of the Murmansk region............................................................................... 21 Pobedonostseva V. V. How the mechanism of investing the construction of the Kola Nuclear Power Plant — 2 was elaborated: history of practice and theory......... 32 Konovalova O. E. Prospects of using the energy of small rivers for electricity supply to remote consumers of the Arkhangelsk region..................................... 43 Lazarev N. I. Development of bioenergy in the Murmansk region................................ 52 Selivanov V. N., Lightning analysis for the Murmansk region in 2021.............................. 59 Burtsev A. V., Ivonin V. V., Kolobov V. V. Gubskaya E. I. Solving the problems of electromagnetic compatibility by using specialized software...................................................................................... 68 Selivanov V. N., Fracturing of solid composite waste with high voltage pulses............... 79 Klimov A. A. Zorin A. S. Electro-pulse technology of destruction of solid dielectric materials. Factors influencing the dynamics of discharge processes..................... 87 Potokin A. S., Research of rocks from mining plants of Murmansk region Klimov A. A., on a laboratory sample of electric pulse disintegration installation...... 97 Kolobov V. V. 4