Труды КНЦ вып. 10 (Океанология вып. 4/2022(13))

TRANSACTIONS QCEANOLOGY of the Kola Science Centre series ю CONTENTS Page Bondarev O.V. Biological characteristics of the european Platichthys flesus in the top of the estuary of the Tuloma River....................... 5 Bulavina A.S. Spatio-temporal analysis of climatic factors of the Ob River runoff formation.................................................................. 15 Vodopianova V.V., Monitoring of chlorophyll concentrations in the Barents Sea: Kalinka O.P. comparison of long-term in situ and satellite data................ 27 Vodopyanova V.V., Thermohaline characteristics and spatial distribution Bulavina A.S., of chlorophyll along the standart transect "Kola Section” Makarevich P.R. in April 2021 ....................................................................... 37 Kudryavtseva O.Yu. Characteristics of coastal fish communities in the bays of Eastern Murman during summer and autumn 2019......... 42 Maksimovskaya T.M., Variability of water temperature and salinity anomalies Zaporozhtsev I.F. in August-September on the transect "Kola Section” for the period from 1970 to 2019......................................... 55 Noskovich A.E. Features of the biology of the bivalve mollusk Macoma calcarea (Gmelin, 1791) in the fjords of the island of Western Svalbard........................................................... 67 Plaksina M.P., Helminthofauna gammarid Gammarus oceanicus Kuklina M.M. and Gammarus duebeni of the Murmansk coast of the Barents S e a .............................................................. 78 Smolkova O.V., Biology of the bivalve mollusks Mya arenaria (Linnaeus, Meshcheryakov N.I. 1758) Khlebnaya Bay of the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea .... 86 Chaus S.A. Food composition similarity analysis of arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnocanthus tricuspis (Reinhardt, 1830) with some non-target fish species in the Kara S e a ..................... 99 Chovgan O.V. Composition and structure of microplankton in the fram branch of the Norwegian current during the pre-winter period.......................................................... 104 4