Труды КНЦ (Технические науки) 2/2022(13).

33. Masloboev A. V., Tsygichko V. N. Otsenka effektivnosti sistem podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy situatsionnykh tsentrov. Chast' 2. Modeli i metody otsenki [Evaluation of the effectiveness of decision support systems of situational centers. Part 2. Models and methods of evaluation]. Informatsionnye sistemy i tekhnologii [Information Systems and Technologies], 2020, no. 6 (122), pp. 30-38. (In Russ.). 34. Masloboev A. V., Tsygichko V. N. Otsenka effektivnosti sistem podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy situatsionnykh tsentrov. Chast' 3. Sintez konfiguratsiy i normativnoe obespechenie [Evaluation of the effectiveness of decision support systems of situational centers. Part 3. Synthesis of configurations and regulatory support]. Informatsionnye sistemy i tekhnologii [Information Systems and Technologies], 2021, no. 4 (126), pp. 62-72. (In Russ.). 35. Masloboev A. V. A technology for dynamic synthesis and configuration of multi-agent systems of regional security network-centric control. Reliability and quality o f complex systems, 2020, no. 3 (31), pp. 112-120. 36. Gosudarstvennyy doklad “O sostoyanii zashchity naseleniya i territoriy Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot chrezvychaynykh situatsiy prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo kharaktera v 2010 godu” [State report “On the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies in 2010”]. Moscow, EMERCOM of Russia, FGU VNII GOChS (FTs), 2011, 299 p. (In Russ.). 37. Yakovlev S. Yu., Shemyakin A. S., Oleinik A. G. Information and analytical support of the Arctic industrial-natural complexes safety. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, vol. 816 (1), Article No.: 012015. Информация об авторах А. Г. Олейник — доктор технических наук, директор; А. В. Маслобоев — доктор технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник; А. Я. Фридман — доктор технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник. Information about the authors A. G. O leynik — Doctor o f Science (Tech.), Director; A. V. Masloboev — Doctor o f Science (Tech.), Leading Researcher; A. Ya. F ridman — Doctor o f Science (Tech.), Leading Researcher. Статья поступила в редакцию 15.10.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 08.11.2022; принята к публикации 18.11.2022. The article was submitted 15.10.2022; approved after reviewing 08.11.2022; accepted for publication 18.11.2022. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2022. Т. 13, № 2. С. 46-58. Transactions of the Kola Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 2. P. 46-58. © Олейник А. Г., Маслобоев А. В., Фридман А. Я., 2022 58