Труды КНЦ вып. 22 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 2/2022(13))

14.Zmeeva O. V. Strazhniki Murmanskoj zheleznoj dorogi: regulirovanie otnoshenij i formirovanie etnosocial'nogo poryadka (1915-1916 gg.) [Guards o f the Murmansk Railway: regulation o f relations and formation o f the ethno-social order (1915­ 1916)]. Trudy Kol'skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Gumanitarnye issledovaniya [Transactions o f the Kola Scientific Center o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences. Humanitarian Studies], Issue 16, 2019, no. 2 (10), pp. 53-67. (In Russ.). 15.Dubrovskaya E. Yu., Korablev N. A. Kareliya v gody Pervoj mirovoj vojny: 1914­ 1918 [Karelia during the First World War: 1914-1918]. Saint Petersburg, Nestor- History, 2017, 432 p. (In Russ.). 16.Zmeeva O. V. Murmanskaya zheleznaya doroga: ustanovlenie i transformaciya social'nogo poryadka [Murmansk Railway: establishment and transformation of social order]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Scientific Notes o f Petrozavodsk State University], 2019, no. 6 (183), pp .107 -113. (In Russ.). 17. Golubev A. A. Murmanskaya zheleznaya doroga. Istoriya stroitel'stva (1894-1917 gg.) [Murmansk Railway. History of construction (1894-1917)]. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University o f Railways, 2011, 205 p. (In Russ.). 18.Nachtigal R. Murmanskaya zheleznaya doroga (1915-1919 gg.): voennaya neobhodimost' i ekonomicheskie soobrazheniya [Murmansk Railway (1915-1919): military necessity and economic considerations]. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya, 2011, 320 p. (In Russ.). 19.Pustovalova E. V. Social'noe vzaimodejstvie v konflikte [Social interaction in conflict]. Vestnik NGUEU [Herald o f Novosibirsk State University o f Economics and Management], 2020, no. 1, pp. 219-226. (In Russ.). 20.Agamirzoev K. M. Put' na Sever: istoricheskij ocherk [The Way to the North: a historical essay]. Petrozavodsk, Scandinavia, 2008, 154 p. (In Russ.). 21.Zmeeva O. V. Social'nyj poryadok na Murmanstrojke. Chast' 1. Etnicheskie gruppy — aktory social'noj sistemy [Social order in the Murmansk region. Part 1. Ethnic groups — actors o f the social system]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University], 2021, vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 70-78. (In Russ.). 22.Yarmolich F. K. Kitajskaya diaspora na Kol'skom Severe v 20-e gody XX veka: demograficheskie harakteristiki [The Chinese diaspora in the Kola North in the 20’s o f the twentieth century: demographic characteristics]. Zhivushchie na Severe: vyzov ekstremal'noj srede [Living in the North: challenging an extreme environment]. Murmansk, 2005, pp. 36-39. (In Russ.). 23. Troshina T. I. “Zheltyj trud” na Evropejskom severe. Privlechenie kitajskih rabochih na stroitel'stvo Murmanskoj zheleznoj dorogi i porta [“Yellow labor” in the European North. Attracting Chinese workers to the construction of the Murmansk railway and port]. Murmansk v istorii Rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti: sb. dokl. mezhdunar. nauch.- praktich. konf. [Collection of the Reports o f the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Murmansk and History o f Russian State System”]. Yekaterinburg, Socrates, 2016, pp. 156-161. (In Russ.). 74