Труды КНЦ вып. 22 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 2/2022(13))

series 22 TRANSACTIONS HUMANITARIAN of the Kola Science Centre Archeology Shakhnovitch M. M. Late medieval tar production on the Lake Verkhnee Kuito. On the Question of “Lopar antiquities” in the Western White Sea region................................ 130 Likhachev V. A. “Bow Hunting for Elk”: composition from Kamenniy 7 panel of the Kanozero petroglyph complex.......... 142 Scientific Life Suleymanova O. A. Tenth Scientific Conference “Anthropology. Folklore Studies. Sociolinguistics” at the European University in Saint Petersburg..................................... 153 Reviews Izmodenova N. N. Saved names (about edition of the book “Names on the Map” by E. A. Kamenev)................................... 159 6