Труды КНЦ вып. 22 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 2/2022(13))

TRANSACTIONS of the Kola Science Centre HUMANITARIAN STUDIES series 22 CONTENTS Page Ethnology, Ethnography, Anthropology Bodrova O. A. Traditional and new crafts of the Yokostrov Sami during the transition to settlement in the 19th and early 20th centuries................................................. 7 Suleymanova O. A. “Saami souvenir” as an ethnic product and a brand of the Murmansk region: to the formulation of the problem.................................. 21 Razumova I. A., Genre and specific features of the book of memoirs Samorukova A. G. by E. B. Khalezova. Part 1. Autobiography................... 32 Busyreva E. V. Stories about moving in the 1930s-1940s based on the memories of families with Finnish and German roots (from field materials)............................................. 49 Zmeeva O. V. The system of interactions in the multi-ethnic community of builders of the Murmansk Railway........ 62 History Dubrovskaya E. Yu. Formation of a new identity in the conditions of the military everyday life of the Civil War (by the material of Karelia)........................................... 76 Orekhova E. A. Colonists of Murman in the documents of the Evangelical Lutheran parish of the Murmansk cost................................................................................... 96 Kozhevnikova Yu. N. Documents on the history of the parishes of the Kola North in the fund of the Kem’ Spirirtual Collegium of National Archive of Republic of Karelia......................................................................... 109 Shachin S. V. The Kola Society and prospects for its development in the description of V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (based on the book “The Land of the Cold: Seen and Heard”, 1876)......................................................... 120 5