Труды КНЦ вып. 22 (ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ вып. 2/2022(13))

15.Bertosh A. A. Material'noe istoriko-kul'turnoe nasledie v razvitii turistskoj industrii Arkticheskoj zony RF (na primere Murmanskoj oblasti): obshchaya postanovka problemy [Material historical and cultural heritage in the development o f the tourism industry in the Arctic zone o f the Russian Federation (on the example o f the Murmansk region): a general statement o f the problem]. Trudy KNC RAN [Transactions o f KSC RAS], 2018, vol. 9, no. 11-15, pp. 145-153. (In Russ.). 16.Mitneva E. D. Reprezentaciya i konstruirovanie identichnosti korennyh narodov v onlajn i offlajn media, razvlekatel'noj industrii i turizme na primere saamov [Representation and construction o f the identity o f indigenous peoples in online and offline media, entertainment industry and tourism on the example o f the Saami]. Istoriya i kul'tura Russkogo Severa i Arktiki: sbornik nauchnyh statej [History and Culture o f the Russian North and the Arctic: collection o f scientific articles]. Arhangel'sk, 2018, pp. 97-102. (In Russ.). Информация об авторе О. А. Сулейманова — кандидат исторических наук, научный сотрудник. Information about the author O. A. Suleymanova — PhD (History), Research Fellow. Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 05.04.2022; принята к публикации 19.04.2022. The article was submitted 31.03.2022; approved after reviewing 05.04.2022; accepted for publication 19.04.2022. 31