Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY CONTENTS Agamirova A. S. Goncharov K. V. Sadykhov G. B Agafonov D. G. Sadykhov G. B., Kop’yev D. Y Bazarova E. A. Kameneva Yu. S Bocharova I. V. Kunshina G. B. Mikheev R. S. Kalashnikov I. E. Bykov Р. A. Kobeleva L. I. Kolmakov A. G. Varnavskaya A. O. Timoshchik O. A. Kasikov A. G. Velyaev Yu. O. Maiorov D. V Vetrova D. A. Kuznetsov S. A. Vinogradov V. Yu. Kalinkin A. M Gorbenko A. D. Kaplan M. A. Konushkin S. V. Nasakina E. O. Sergienko K. V., Baikin A. S. Ivannikov A. Yu. Sevostyanov M. A Gryaznova D. V. Kalashnikova G. O. Panikorovskii T. L. Glazunova M. Yu. YakovenchukV. N. Bazai A. V The complex processing of titanomagnetites with a high content of titanium dioxide............................................................................................. 13 Influence of the conditions of hydrochloric acid leaching on decomposition of niobium-rare-earth slag at atmospheric pressure...................................... 17 The performance evaluation of dicarboxylic acid monoamides as collectors for copper-nickel ore flotation process........................................... 21 Study of ceramic and glass-ceramic solid electrolyte Li1,5Al0,5Ge1,5(PO4)3 properties obtained from oxalate and citrate precursors............................... 26 Production of surfacing materials based on antifriction alloy AO20-1, hardened with ceramic particles of micron and submicron sizes................. 33 Influence of the conditions of deposition of non-ferrous metals and iron from zinc re-extracts of nickel production of the Joint Stock Company “Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company”...................................................... 39 The perspective of the application of amorphous silicon dioxide obtained from nepheline as an enterosorbent............................................................... 45 Study of alkaline earth metals cations influence on the electrochemical behaviour of the Ti (IV) / Ti (III) redox couple in the CsCl — CsF melt........ 51 Calculation of the composition of zircon — cerium oxide mixture based on X-ray diffraction data................................................................................... 58 Antibacterial properties of stainless steel with the addition of silver............ 64 Evaluation of natural armbrusterite as a prototype for a new selective sorbent of monovalent cations........................................................................ 68 8