Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

10. Zhang S., Li L., Lv X. Synthesis and characterization o f a novel Mg 3 (PO 4)2 ceramic with low dielectric constant // J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. in Electronics. 2017. Vol. 28, № 2. P. 1620-1623. 11. Alkemper J., Fuess H. The crystal structures o f NaMgPO 4 , Na 2 CaMg(PO 4)2 and Na 1 sCa 13 Mg 5 (PO 4 ) 1 s: new examples for glaserite related structures // Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie-Crystall. Mat. 1998. Vol. 213, №5. P. 282-287. References 1. Preobrazhenskiy I. I., Tikhonov A. A., Evdokimov P. V., Shibaev A. V., Putlyaev V. I. DLP printing o f hydrogel/calcium phosphate composites for the treatment of bone defects. Open Ceramics, 2021, vol. 6 , p. 100115. 2. Gulati K., Abdal-hay A., Ivanovski S. Novel Nano-Engineered Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering. Nanomaterials , 2022, vol. 12 (3), p. 333. 3. Preobrazhenskij I. I., Tihonov A. A., Klimashina E. S., Evdokimov P. V., Putlyaev V. I. Nabuhanie akrilatnyh gidrogelej, napolnennyh brushitom i oktakal'cievym fosfatom [Swelling o f acrylate hydrogels filled with bruchite and octacalcium phosphate]. Izvestiya AN. Seriya khim. [Proceedings o f the Academy o f Sciences. Chem.], 2020, no. 8 , pp. 1601-1603. (In Russ.). 4. Fadeeva I. V., Fomin A. S., Barinov S. M., Davydova G. A., Selezneva I. I., Preobrazhenskij I. I., Rusakov M. K., Fomina A. A., Volchenkova V. A. Sintez i svojstva marganecsoderzhashchih kal'cijfosfatnyh materialov [Synthesis and properties o f manganese-containing calcium phosphate materials]. Neorgan. materialy [Inorganic Materials], 2020, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 738-745. (In Russ.). 5. Zhang Y., Lin T., Meng H., Wang X., Peng H., Liu G., Wei Sh., Lu Q., Wang Yu, Wang A., Xu W., Shao H., Peng J. 3D gel-printed porous magnesium scaffold coated with dibasic calcium phosphate dihydrate for bone repair in vivo. Journal o f Orthopaedic Translation, 2022, vol. 33, pp. 13-23. 6 . Nabiyouni M., Bruckner T., Zhou H., Gbureck U., Bhaduri S. B. Magnesium-based bioceramics in orthopedic applications. Acta biomaterialia, 2018, vol. 6 6 , pp. 23-43. 7. Tamimi F., Le Nihouannen D., Bassett D. C. Biocompatibility o f magnesium phosphate minerals and their stability under physiological conditions ..Acta biomaterialia, 2011, vol. 7 ( 6 ), pp. 2678-2685. 8 . Vahabzadeh S., Robertson S., Bose S. Beta-phase stabilization and increased osteogenic differentiation o f stem cells by solid-state synthesized magnesium tricalcium phosphate. Journal o f Materials Research , 2021, vol. 36 (15), pp. 3041-3049. 9. Gu Y., Zhang J., Zhang X., Liang G., Xu T., Niu W. Three-dimensional printed Mg-doped P-TCP bone tissue engineering scaffolds: effects of magnesium ion concentration on osteogenesis and angiogenesis in vitro. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2019, vol. 16 (4), pp. 415-429. 10. Zhang S., Li L., Lv X. Synthesis and characterization o f a novel Mg 3 (PO 4)2 ceramic with low dielectric constant. J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. in Electronics, 2017, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1620-1623. 11. Alkemper J., Fuess H. The crystal structures o f NaMgPO 4 , Na 2 CaMg(PO 4)2 and Na 1 sCa 13 Mg 5 (PO 4 ) 1 s: new examples for glaserite related structures. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie-Crystall. Mat., 1998, vol. 213, no. 5, pp. 282-287. Информация об авторах И. И. Преображенский — аспирант; В. И. Путляев —кандидат химических наук, доцент. Information about the authors I. I. Preobrazhenskiy — PhD Student; V. I. Putlyaev — PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor. Статьяпоступилавредакцию 17.02.2022; одобренапослерецензирования04.04.2022; принятак публикации08.04.2022. The articlewas submitted 17.02.2022; approvedafter reviewing04.04.2022; acceptedforpublication08.04.2022. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2022. Т. 13, № 1. С. 204-207. Transactions of the to la Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 1. P. 204-207. © Преображенский И. И., Путляев В. И., 2022 207