Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

7. Sulka G. D., Brzyzka A., Zaraska L., Jaskula M. Through-hole membranes o f nanoporous alumina formed by anodizing in oxalic acid and their applications in fabrication o f nanowire arrays // Electrochim. Acta. 2010. V. 55. P. 4368-4376. 8 . Poinern G. E. J., Le X., O’Dea M., Fawcett D. Can anodic aluminium oxide nanomembranes treated with nanometre scale hydroxyapatite be used as a cell culture substrate // International Journal o f Materials Science and Applications. 2014. V. 3, N. 6 . P. 331-338. 9. Sola L., Alvarez J., Cretich M., Swann M.J., Chiari M., Hill D. Characterization of porous alumina membranes for efficient, real-time, flow through biosensing // Journal ofMembrane Science. 2015. V. 476. P. 128-135. 10. Kumeria T., Santos A., Losic D. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Platforms: Engineered Surface Chemistry and Structure for Optical Sensing Applications // Sensors. 2014. V. 14. P. 11878-11918. 11. Yanagishita T., Kato А., Masuda H. Preparation o f ideally ordered through-hole anodic porous alumina membranes by two-layer anodization // Japanese Journal o f Applied Physics. 2017. V. 56. P . 0352021-0352024. 12. Chen W., Wu J.-S., Yuan J.-H., Xia X.-H., Lin X.-H. An environment-friendly electrochemical detachment method for porous anodic alumina // J. Electroanal. Chem. V. 600. 2007. P. 257-264. 13. Кокатев А. Н., Лукиянчук И. В., Яковлева Н. М., Руднев В. С., Чупахина Е. А., Яковлев А. Н., Степанова К. В. Каталитически активные композитные материалы с пористой алюмооксидной матрицей, модифицированной наночастицами y-MnO 2 // Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов. 2016. Т. 52, № 5. С. 517. 14. Модуль обработки изображений Image Analysis P9: справочное руководство. М.: НТ-МДТ, 2014. 482 с. References 1. Eftekhari A. Nanostructured materials in electrochemistry. Weinheim, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2008, 463 p. 2. Losic D., Santos A. Nanoporous Alumina Fabrication, Structure, Properties and Applications. Springer Series in Materials Science, 2016, vol. 219, 362 p. 3. Liu Y., Huang J., Zhou F., Ni L., Shen Y., Liu W., Meng F. A mini-review o f three-dimensional network topological structure nanocomposites: Preparation and mechanical properties. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2021, vol. 10, pp. 1425-1437. 4. Fu Y., Mo A. A Review on the Electrochemically Selforganized Titania Nanotube Arrays: Synthesis. Modifications, and Biomedical Applications. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2018, vol. 13 (187), 21 p. 5. Sulka G. D., Zaraska L., Stepniowski W. J. Anodic Porous Alumina as a Template for Nanofabrication. Encyclopedia o fNanoscience and Nanotechnology . Edited by H. S. Nalwa, 2011, vol. 11, pp. 261-349. 6 . Yakovleva N. M., Kokatev A. N., Chupahina E. A., Stepanova K. V., Yakovlev A. N., Vasil'ev S. G., Shul'ga A. M. Nanostrukturirovanie poverhnosti metallov i splavov. Obzor. Chast' 1. Nanostrukturirovannye anodno-oksidnye plenki na Al i ego splavah [Nanostructuring the surface o f metals and alloys. Review. Part 1. Nanostructured anodic oxide films on Al and its alloys]. Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granicy [Condensed Media and Interphase Boundaries], 2015, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 137-152. (In Russ.). 7. Sulka G. D., B ^ z k a A., Zaraska L., Jaskula M. Through-hole membranes o f nanoporous alumina formed by anodizing in oxalic acid and their applications in fabrication o f nanowire arrays. Electrochim. Acta, 2010, vol. 55, pp. 4368-4376. 8 . Poinern G. E. J., Le X., O’Dea M., Fawcett D. Can anodic aluminium oxide nanomembranes treated with nanometre scale hydroxyapatite be used as a cell culture substrate. International Journal o fMaterials Science and Applications, 2014, vol. 3, no. 6 , pp. 331-338. 9. Sola L., Alvarez J., Cretich M., Swann M.J., Chiari M., Hill D. Characterization o f porous alumina membranes for efficient, real-time, flow through biosensing. Journal o f Membrane Science, 2015, vol. 476, pp. 128-135. 10. Kumeria T., Santos A., Losic D. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Platforms: Engineered Surface Chemistry and Structure for Optical Sensing Applications. Sensors, 2014, vol. 14, pp. 11878-11918. 11. Yanagishita T., Kato А., Masuda H. Preparation o f ideally ordered through-hole anodic porous alumina membranes by two-layer anodization. Japanese Journal o f Applied Physics. 2017, vol. 56, p p .0352021-0352024. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2022. Т. 13, № 1. С. 173-179. Transactions of the to la Science Centre of r A s . Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 1. P. 173-179. © Мотин Г. Ю., Кокатев А. Н., 2022 178