Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

Список источников 1. Tang H., Pesic B. Electrochemistry and the mechanisms o f nucleation and growth o f neodymium during electroreduction from LiCl — KCl eutectic salts on Mo substrate// J. Nucl. Mater. 2015. V. 458. P. 37-44. 2. Vandarkuzhali S., Nibedita G., Suddhasattwa Gh., Prabhakara R. B., Nagarajan K. Investigation on the electrochemical behavior o f neodymium chloride at W, Al and Cd electrodes in molten LiCl — KCl eutectic // Electrochim. Acta. 2014. V. 145. P. 86-98. 3. Novoselova А., Smolenski V. Electrochemical behavior o f neodymium compounds in molten chlorides // Electrochim. Acta. 2013. V. 87. P. 657-662. 4. Uehara A., Fukasawa K., Nagai T., Fujii T., Yamana H. Separation of Nd metal by using disproportionation reaction of Nd (II) in molten chlorides // Journal o f Nuclear Materials. 2011. Vol. 414. P. 336-339. 5. Fukasawa K., Uehara A., Nagai T., Fujii T., Yamana H. Electrochemical and spectrophotometric study on trivalent neodymium ion in molten binary mixtures of LiCl and alkali earth chlorides // Journal o f Nuclear Materials. 2011. Vol. 414. P. 265-269. 6 . Li-Xia Luo, Ya-Lan Liu, Ning Liu, Lu Wang, Li-Yong Yuan, Zhi-Fang Chai, Wei-Qun Shi. Electrochemical and thermodynamic properties o f Nd (III) / Nd (0) couple at liquid Zn electrode in LiCl-KCl melt // Electrochimica Acta. 2016. Vol. 191. P. 1026-1036. 7. Smolenski V., Novoselova A., Osipenko A., Kormilitsyn M., Luk’yanova Ya. Thermodynamics o f separation o f uranium from neodymium between the gallium-indium liquid alloy and the LiCl — KCl molten salt phases // Electrochim. Acta. 2014. Vol. 133. P. 354-358. 8 . Yamana H., Byung Gi Park, Shirai O., Fujii T., Uehara A., Moriyama H. Electrochemically produced divalent neodymium in chloride melt // Journal o f Alloys and Compounds. 2006. Vols. 408-412. P. 66-70. 9. Kuznetsov S. А., Gaune-Escard M. Study o f neodymium chlorides in an equimolar NaCl — KCl melt by electrochemical transient techniques // EUCHEM 2008 Conference on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-29 August 2008. P. 21. 10. Kuznetsov S. А., Gaune-Escard M. Electrochemical transient techniques for study o f the electrochemistry and thermodynamics o f nuclear materials in molten salts // Journal o f Nuclear Materials. 2009. Vol. 389, № 1. P. 108-114. 11. Kuznetsov S. А., Gaune-Escard M. Influence of electrode material and fluoride ions on electrochemical behavior o f neodymium in NaCl — KCl melt // 9th International Symposium on Molten Salts Chemistry & Technology (Trondheim, Norway 5-9 June 2011). NTNU — Trondheim Norwegian University o f Science and Technology. P. 95. 12. Nicholson R. S. Semi empirical procedure for measuring with stationary electrode polarography rates o f chemical reactions involving the product of electron transfer // Anal. Chem. 1966. Vol. 38, № 10. P. 1406. 13. Mastragostino M., Nadjo Z., Saveant I. M. Disproportionation and ECE mechanisms. — I. Theoretical analysis. Relationships for linear sweep voltammetry // Electrochim. Acta. 1968. Vol. 13. P. 721-749. 14. Галюс З. Теоретические основы электрохимического анализа. М.: Мир, 1974. 552 с. 15. Nicholson R. S., Shain J. Theory o f stationary electrode polarography // Anal. Chem. 1964. V. 36, № 4. P . 706-723. 16. Randles J. E. B. A cathode ray polarograph. II. The current voltage curves // Trans. Faraday Soc. 1948. V . 44. P . 327-338. 17. Sevchik A. Oscillographic polarography with periodical trinagular voltage // Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1948. V. 13. P. 349-377. References 1. Tang H., Pesic B. Electrochemistry and the mechanisms o f nucleation and growth o f neodymium during electroreduction from LiCl — KCl eutectic salts on Mo substrate. J. Nucl. Mater., 2015, vol. 458, pp. 37-44. 2. Vandarkuzhali S., Gogoi Nibedita, Ghosh Suddhasattwa, Reddy B. Prabhakara, Nagarajan K. Investigation on the electrochemical behavior o f neodymium chloride at W, Al and Cd electrodes in molten LiCl — KCl eutectic. Electrochim. Acta, 2014, vol. 145, pp. 86-98. 3. Novoselova А., Smolenski V. Electrochemical behavior of neodymium compounds in molten chlorides. Electrochim. Acta, 2013, vol. 87, pp. 657-662. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2022. Т. 13, № 1. С. 166-172. Transactions of the to la Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 1. P. 166-172. © Маркович С. И., Попова А. В., Кузнецов С. А., 2022 171