Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

4. Kossoy A. Effect o fthermal inertia-induced distortions o f DSC data on the correctness o fthe kinetics evaluated // J Thermal Anal Calorim. 2021. V. 143. P. 599-608. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-019-09219-z 5. Kossoy A. An in-depth analysis of some methodical aspects o f applying pseudo-adiabatic calorimetry // Thermoc. Acta. 2020. 6 8 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2019.178466 6 . Коссой А. А., Лопатин А. В. Реакционная калориметрия: основные типы, простая теория и применение для исследования кинетики реакций // Химическая промышленность. 2020. Т. 97, № 4. С. 1-11. 7. Kossoy A., Akhmetshin Yu. Identification o f kinetic models for the assessment o f reaction hazards // Process Safety Progress. 2007. 26, N 3. P. 209-220. 8 . Kossoy A., Sheinman I. Evaluating thermal explosion hazard by using kinetics-based simulation approach // Process Safety and Envir. Protection. Trans IchemE. 2004. V. 82, Issue B 6 . P. 421-430. (B 6 Special Issue: Risk Management). References 1. Rekomendacii OON po perevozke opasnyh gruzov: Rukovodstvo po ispytaniyam i kriteriyam [UN Recommendations on the Transport o f Dangerous Goods: Manual of Tests and Criteria]. New York and Geneva, OON, 2009, 447 p. 2. Shejnman I. Ya., Kossoj A. A. Analiz procedury masshtabirovaniya pri opredelenii temperatury samouskoryayushchegosya razlozheniya metodom D'yuar-testa [Analysis o f the scaling procedure in determining the self-accelerating decomposition temperature by the Dewar test]. Zhurnal “Khim. Promyshlennost'” [Journal o f Chemistry Industry], 2004, vol. 11, pp. 563-588. (In Russ.). 3. Benin A., Kossoj A. Termicheskie opasnosti i termicheskaya bezopasnost' energonasyshchennyh veshchestv, himicheskih processov i ob ’ektov ih primeneniya [Thermal hazards and thermal safety o f energy-saturated substances, chemical processes and their applications]. Vologda, Infra-Inzheneriya, 2020, 728 p. (In Russ.). 4. Kossoy A. Effect ofthermal inertia-induced distortions of DSC data on the correctness ofthe kinetics evaluated. J. Thermal Anal Calorim., 2021, vol. 143, pp. 599-608. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-019-09219-z 5. Kossoy A. An in-depth analysis of some methodical aspects o f applying pseudo-adiabatic calorimetry. Thermochim. Acta, 2020, vol. 683, 178466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tca.2019.178466 6 . Kossoj A. A., Lopatin A. V. Reakcionnaya kalorimetriya: osnovnye tipy, prostaya teoriya i primenenie dlya issledovaniya kinetiki reakcij [Reaction calorimetry: basic types, simple theory, and applications for studying reaction kinetics]. Khimicheskayapromyshlennost' [Chemical Engineering], 2020, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 1-11. (In Russ.). 7. Kossoy A., Akhmetshin Yu. Identification o f kinetic models for the assessment o f reaction hazards. Process Safety Progress , 2007, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 209-220. 8 . Kossoy A., Sheinman I. Evaluating thermal explosion hazard by using kinetics-based simulation approach. Process Safety and Envir. Protection. Trans IchemE, 2004, vol. 82, issue B 6 , pp. 421-430. (B 6 Special Issue: Risk Management). Информация об авторах А. А. Коссой — кандидат технических наук; А. В. Лопатин — магистр. Information about the authors A. A. Kossoj — PhD (Technology); A. V. Lopatin — Master's Degree. Статьяпоступилавредакцию 14.02.2022; одобренапослерецензирования04.04.2022; принятак публикации08.04.2022. The articlewas submitted 14.02.2022; approvedafter reviewing04.04.2022; acceptedforpublication08.04.2022. Труды Кольского научного центра РАН. Серия: Технические науки. 2022. Т. 13, № 1. С. 139-143. Transactions of the to la Science Centre of RAS. Series: Engineering Sciences. 2022. Vol. 13, No. 1. P. 139-143. © Коссой А. А., Лопатин А. В., 2022 143