Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Petrova S. V., Structural studies of lithium niobate crystals doped with cerium................... 198 Sidorova O. V., Palatnikov M. N., Kadetova A. V. Preobrazhenskiy I. I., Synthesis and phase transformations of magnesium — sodium double Putlyaev V. I. phosphate........................................................................................................... 204 Romanuk M. S., Study of the electrical double layer on composites “refractory metal Dolmatov V. S. carbide — carbon fiber” in hydrogen peroxide and sodium sulfate.............. 208 Ryumin M. A. Features of synthetic approaches to the production of stannates with a pyrochlore structure and the study o f the ir thermodynam ic properties........................................................................................................... 213 Safaryan S. A., Inactivation of bacteria in the presence of photocatalysts based Belikov M. L., on TiO 2 modified with tungsten or iron when irradiated with visible light...... 217 Fokina N. V., Redkina V. V. Svyrydova K. A., Effect of severe plastic deformation on structure and mechanical Tsvetkov T. V., properties of pure aluminum and AlMnFe alloy............................................. 223 Tkachenko V. M., Limanovskii A. I., Sayapin V. N., Vasiliev S. V., Tkatch V. I. Semenchuk I. E., Synthesis of ultra-high-temperature composite Ta4HfC5 — HfB 2 Scherbakov V. A., by electro-thermal explosion under pressure................................................. 231 Gryadunov A. N. Smirnov M. V., Luminescence properties of nominally pure and doped lithium niobate Sidorov N. V., crystals grown by different technologies......................................................... 235 Palatnikov M. N., Pikulev V. B. Sokolov A. Yu., The influence of iron subgroup elements on the solvent extraction of iron Kasikov A. G. (III) from chloride solutions with oxygen-containing extractants.................... 241 Timoshchik O. A., Testing the sulfuric acid leaching of waste slag of the Joint Stock Shchelokova E. A., Company “Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company” in continuous Kasikov A. G. mode................................................................................................................. 246 Titov R. A., Photoelectric fields in lithium niobate single crystals doped Sidorov N. V., by zinc and boron............................................................................................. 252 Teplyakova N. A., Gabain A. A., Palatnikov M. N. Frolova M. A., Study of the process of dissolution of lanthanum hydroxide in deep Tsvetov N. S., eutectic solvents................................................................................................ 260 Kushlyaev R. G., Drogobuzhskaya S. V. 11