Труды КНЦ (Технические науки вып.1/2022(13))

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIAL SCIENCES, METALLURGY Korchagina K. A. Efremov V. V. Shcherbina O. B., Palatnikov M. N., Alpatov G. E. Titov R. A. Kossoi A. A., Lopatin A. V. Martinov D. A. Kubanova A. N., SaninV. N. Ikornikov D. M Kuzina T. D., Sokolov A. Yu. Korotkova G. V., Kasikov A. G. Kuznetsova O. G., Levin A. M., Sevostyanov M. A Kuzmenkov O. A. Kalinkin A. M Markovich S. I., Popova A. V., Kuznetsov S. A. Motin G. Yu. Kokatev A. N. Obolkina T. O., Goldberg M. A., Smirnov S. V. Antonova O. A. Khairutdinova D. R. Utkin D. A. Kotelnikov N. L Okunev M. A., Dubrovskiy A. R. Efremov V. V. Kuznetsov S. A. Pasichnik E. Yu. Tsvetov N. S. Elecrophysical properties of ceramic solid solutions Li0,03Na0,97TayNb1-yO3 with perovskite structure belonging to morphotropic areas........................... 132 Modeling based on the kinetic model is the key to solving the scaling problem.............................................................................................................. 139 Production of composite ligatures by centrifugal SHS metallurgy................ 144 The solubility of some oxygen-containing extractants in hydrocloric acid solutions............................................................................................................. 148 Electrochemical processing of heavy tungsten alloy waste in ammonia-carbonate solutions under AC and DC current.......................... 155 Application of mechanical activation for the synthesis of Y2Zr2O7 by the solid-phase method............................................................................... 160 Diffusion coefficients of neodymium (III) complexes in an equimolar NaCl — KCl — NdCl3 melt............................................................................... 166 Nanoporous alumina membranes as the basis for functional nanocomposite materials................................................................................. 173 Development and study of the composite ceramic materials based on ZrO 2 — Al2O3................................................................................................ 180 Creation of a cryogyroscope rotor: processes and equipment...................... 186 Features of the application of methods for determining the total content of biologically active substances (polyphenols and flavonoids, total antioxidant and antiradical activities) in the presence of deep eutectic solvents.............................................................................................. 192 10