Труды КНЦ вып.12 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 5/2021(12))

TRANSACT|ONS INFORMATION of the Kola Science Centre series 12 CONTENTS Pages Oleynik A.G. Storage organization for "open" sets of entity attributes in relational databases........................ 128 Fridman A.Ya. Internet of models of things for situational analysis and forecasting dependent failures.................................................................. 140 Yakovlev S. Yu. Regulatory and legal framework for managing Shemyakin A.S. the development of the Northern Sea Route....... 148 Theory and Practice of System Dynamics Putilov V.A. Methodological foundations of security Masloboev A.V. management information support of regional critical Bystrov V.V. infrastructures......................................................... 157 Zuenko A.A. Planning of the open-pit working edge positions Oleynik Yu.A. by the periods of mining within the constraint Makedonov R.A. programming paradigm........................................ 161 Lomov P.A. Technology of training a neural-network model Malozemova M.L. for ontology population......................................... 167 Kulik B.A. Analysis of paradoxes in intelligent models of Fridman A.Ya. systems.................................................................. 171 Fridman A.Ya. Modeling of development scenarios for industrial-natural systems.................................... 177 Shestakov A.V. Information technology for risk analysis of pressure Shemyakin A.S. vessels................................................................... 183 Yakovlev S.Yu. 6