Труды КНЦ вып.12 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 5/2021(12))

the III Intern. scientific and technical conf. (Minsk, February 21-23, 2013)]. Minsk: BSUIR, 2013.S. 165-170. (In Russ.) 14.Alexander Zuenko, Alexander Fridman, Boris Kulik. Generation of Questions Sequences in Intelligent Teaching Systems Based on Algebraic Approach // Computer Science and Information Technology, 1 (2): 2013. P. 125-131. 15.Fridman A.Ya., Kulik B.A. Kognitivnyy podkhod k otsenke situatsionnoy osvedomlennosti v setetsentricheskikh sistemakh grazhdanskogo naznacheniya [Cognitive approach to assessing situational awareness in network-centric systems for civil purposes] // Gibridnyye i sinergeticheskiye intellektual'nyye sistemy: materialy V Vserossiyskoy Pospelovskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem / pod red. d.t.n., prof. A.V. Kolesnikova. Kaliningrad: Izdatel'stvo BFU im. I. Kanta [Hybrid and synergetic intellectual systems: materials of the V All- Russian Pospelovskaya conference with international participation / ed. Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. A.V. Kolesnikov. Kaliningrad: IKBFU Publishing House I. Kant], 2020.S. 489-497. (In Russ.) 16.Abrosimov V.K. Formirovaniye situatsionnoy osvedomlennosti v bol'shikh setetsentricheskikh sistemakh [Formation of situational awareness in large network- centric systems] // Upravleniye razvitiyem krupnomasshtabnykh sistem. Materialy Desyatoy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii: v 2-kh tomakh. M.: IPU RAN [Management of the development of large-scale systems. Materials of the Tenth International Conference: in 2 volumes. Moscow: IPU RAN]. 2017.S. 300-303. (In Russ.) 17.Tatar National Corps "Tugan Tel". Access mode http://tugantel.tatar/ 18.Suleimanov D.Sh., Nevzorova O.A., Galieva A.M., Gatiatullin A.R., Gilmullin R.A., Khakimov B.E. Razmechennyy korpus tatarskogo yazyka "Tugan tel": aspekty realizatsii [The marked-up corpus of the Tatar language "Tugan tel": aspects of implementation]. V sbornike: Trudy Kazanskoy shkoly po komp'yuternoy i kognitivnoy lingvistike TEL-2014. Nauchnyye redaktory: D.SH. Suleymanov, O.A. Nevzorova [In the collection: Proceedings of the Kazan School on Computer and Cognitive Linguistics TEL-2014. Scientific editors: D.Sh. Suleimanov, O. A. Nevzorova]. 2014. S. 88-93. (In Russ.) 19.Suleimanov D.Sh. Regulyarnost' morfologii tatarskogo yazyka i tipy narusheniy v yazyke [The regularity of the morphology of the Tatar language and the types of disorders in the language] // Seriya: Intellekt. YAzyk. Komp'yuter. Vyp.1. Kazan': Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta [Series: Intellect. Language. Computer. Issue 1. Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University], 1994. -S.77-106. (In Russ.) 20.Suleimanov D.Sh., Khakimov B.E., Gilmullin R.A. Kontseptual'nyye i lingvisticheskiye aspekty razrabotki korpusa tatarskogo yazyka [Conceptual and linguistic aspects of the development of the Tatar language corpus] // Fenni Tatarstan [Fanny Tatarstan]. 2017. No. 2. S. 7-16. (In Russ.) 21.Suleimanov D.Sh., Gatiatullin A.R. Napolneniye semanticheskikh slotov relyatsionno-situatsionnogo freyma na primere tatarskikh sintaksem [Filling the semantic slots of a relational-situational frame on the example of Tatar syntaxemes] // Otkrytyye semanticheskiye tekhnologii proyektirovaniya intellektual'nykh sistem [Open semantic technologies for the design of intelligent systems]. 2014. No. 4. S. 173-178. (In Russ.) 22.Suleimanov D.Sh., Yakubova D.D. Lexical and Grammatical Potential of Turkic Languages for the Development of New Information Processing Technologies. 65