Труды КНЦ вып.12 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 5/2021(12))

6. Hahmann S., Burghardt D. How much information is geospatially referenced? Networks and cognition // International Journal of Geographical Information Science. - 2013. - vol. 27. - P. 1171-1189. 7. Бахарева Н.А. Поддержка принятия решений при оценке земель // Государственный советник.- 2015.-№1.- С. 50-56. 8. Deravignone L. GIS data and Territorial Management Approach // Urban coastal area conflicts analysis methodology, 2013. - P. 267-280. 9. Цветков В.Я., Алпатов А.Н. Управление распределенными транспортными потоками // Государственный советник. - 2014. - №3. - С. 55-60. 10. Vicentiy A.V., Dikovitsky V.V., Shishaev M.G. Automated Extraction and Visualization of Spatial Data Obtained by Analyzing Texts About Projects of Arctic Transport // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. - 2019. P. 419­ 433. 11. Wallentin G., Graser A., Scholz J. GIS and Transport Modeling—Strengthening the Spatial Perspective // International Journal of Geo-Information. -2016.-№5(6). - P.84-107, DOI:10.3390/ijgi5060084 12. Amar I., Karrar A., Adrees M. A Proposed Framework for Using GIS to Enhance Traffic Safety in Sudan: A Case Study // American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. -2016.-№1(1). 13. Бахарева Н.А. Геоданные в земельном кадастре // Образовательные ресурсы и технологии. -2016-.-№3 (15). -С. 69-79. References 1. Sentsov A., Bolsunovskaya Y., Melnikovich E. The Arctic zone: Possibilities and risks of development // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2016, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/43/1/012100. 2. Bondareva N. N. Modern Approaches to Arctic Development in View of Synergy Potential in the New Risks and challenges Environment // Modernization Innovation Research. -2021.-№12(1). -P.23-33, DOI:10.18184/2079-4665.2021.12.1.23-33. 3. Vicentiy, A. V. The Geoimage Generation Method for Decision Support Systems Based on Natural Language Text Analysis // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. -2021. - vol. 230. - P. 609-619. 4. Watkins C. The geographical context // Disclosing Church, 2020. - P. 71-81, DOI: 10.4324/9781315142531-8. 5. Vicentiy A.V., Shishaev M.G. The Technology of Spatial Relations Visualization Based on the Analysis of Natural Language Texts // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. -2021. vol 232. - P. 971-980. 6. Hahmann S., Burghardt D. How much information is geospatially referenced? Networks and cognition // International Journal of Geographical Information Science. - 2013. - vol. 27. - P. 1171-1189. 7. Bakhareva N.A. Decision-making support in land assessment // Gosudarstveniy Vestnik. - 2015. - 1. - P. 50-56. 8. Deravignone L. GIS data and Territorial Management Approach // Urban coastal area conflicts analysis methodology, 2013. - P. 267-280. 9. Tsvetkov V.Y., Alpatov A.N. Management of Distributed Transport Flows // Gosudarstveniy Vestnik. - 2014. - №3. - С. 55-60. 55