Труды КНЦ вып.12 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 5/2021(12))

Список литературы 1. Мендельсон Э. Введение в математическую логику. М.: Наука, 1971. 2. Кулик Б.А. Логика и математика: просто о сложных методах логического анализа / под общ. ред. А. Я. Фридмана. СПб.: Политехника, 2020. 3. Harmelen F. Applying rule-base anomalies to KADS inference structures // Decision Support Systems. 1997. V. 21, № 4. 4. Kulik B., Fridman A. Roles contradictions play in logical models of metaphors and presuppositions (2018) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2303. 5. Strawson P. Introduction to Logical Theory. London. 1952. 6. Beaver D. Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 2001. 7. Karttunen L., Peters S. Requiem for Presupposition // Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley, 1977. 8. Попов Э.В. Общение с ЭВМ на естественном языке. М.: Наука. 1982. 9. Кулик Б.А. Логика естественных рассуждений. СПб: Невский диалект. 2001. References 1. Mendelssohn E. Vvedeniye v matematicheskuyu logiku [Introduction to mathematical logic]. M.: Nauka, [M.: Science], 1971. (In Russ.) 2. Kulik B.A. Logika i matematika: prosto o slozhnykh metodakh logicheskogo analiza [Logic and mathematics: just about complex methods of logical analysis] / pod obshch. red. A. YA. Fridmana [ed. A. Ya. Fridman, SPb.: Polytechnic], 2020. (In Russ.) 3. Harmelen F. Applying rule-base anomalies to KADS inference structures // Decision Support Systems. 1997. V. 21, No. 4. 4. Kulik B., Fridman A. Roles contradictions play in logical models of metaphors and presuppositions (2018) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2303. 5. Strawson P. Introduction to Logical Theory. London. 1952. 6. Beaver D. Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 2001. 7. Karttunen L., Peters S. Requiem for Presupposition // Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. Berkeley, 1977. 8. Popov E.V. Obshcheniye s EVM na yestestvennom yazyke [Communication with computers in natural language]. M.: Nauka [M.: Science]. 1982. (In Russ.) 9. Kulik B.A. Logika yestestvennykh rassuzhdeniy [The logic of natural reasoning]. SPb: Nevskiy dialekt [SPb: Nevsky dialect]. 2001. (In Russ.) Сведения об авторах Б. А. Кулик - доктор физико-математических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник ИПМаш РАН; A. Я. Фридман - доктор технических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник ИИММ КНЦ РАН. Information about the authors B. A. Kulik - Dr. o f Phys.-Math. Sc., leading research fellow o f the Institute o f Problems in Mechanical Engineering o f RAS; A. Ya. Fridman - Dr. o f Tech. Sc., professor, Leading Research Fellow o f the Institute fo r Informatics and Mathematical Modeling Kola Science Centre o f the Russian Academy o f Sciences. 175