Труды КНЦ вып.12 (ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ вып. 5/2021(12))

The twelfth issue of the "Information Technologies" series of Transactions of the Kola Scientific Center includes mainly articles by members of the V.A. Putilov scientific school on the of information technologies designing and development for support of the regional management. This school was included in the list of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation in 2006. The integration of the functional- goal approach and the conceptual modeling methods was proposed as the “starting” idea of the scientific school by its founder in the early 1990s. The declarative nature of conceptual models made it possible to jointly use under their control in a single information system various types of "executive" models to solve certain subtasks. Over time, the development of this idea led to the creation of original methods for modeling complex systems and processes that are difficult to formalize, as well as theoretical and practical solutions in the field of intellectualization of information and analytical decision support tools at different levels of management. The knowledge base - a formal conceptual model of the domain, implemented in the form of an ontology is a one of the main elements of many modern decision support systems. New solutions for the problems of the automated creation and enhancement of ontologies based on the semantic analysis of text in a natural language are presented in the articles of this issue. The integration of the neural network approach, approaches on rule-based and the use of lexical-semantic templates for the analysis of natural language texts also formed the basis for the technology of extracting geo­ attributed entities for the automated generation of schematic maps. The range of tasks solved on the basis of constraint satisfaction methods is expanding. The traditional areas of research remain the creation of simulation tools and the development of methods for working with data. Data Mining methods and tools, publications concerning the viability of critical infrastructures and the regulatory framework for managing the development of the Northern Sea Route are discussed in review articles. Some of the works presented at the IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of System Dynamics" are included in the issue in the form of short papers. The conference was held on the basis of the IIMM KSC RAS from March 30 to April 6, 2021. Traditionally, the topics of this conference concerned not only system dynamics, but also methods and models for research the dynamics of systems in a broad sense. *** The “Information Technologies” series is addressed to specialists in the field of modeling, as well as the development, creation and practical use of systems and technologies for information support of decision-making in various areas of management and production, to lecturers and students of relevant specialties. 9